TBG Infantry Only Suggestions


Registered User
Jun 20, 2017
Hey yall, just had a couple suggestions to run by you guys to help populate the infantry server. Wanted to know what you guys think.

Can the map just stay on locker until X amount of players join? It's really hard to fill the server when it's idling on rogue transmission or paracel storm.

Potentially adding a !assist command to help out the team getting steamrolled would do wonders on low player counts.

And by popular request from what I've seen on the server, how would you guys feel about Pearl Market always being a map vote option when the DLC's are enabled? It comes up far too little from what I've seen.

Oh one more thing came to mind. Is there a way to tweak the round end timer on low player counts to something much shorter? As it stands now when it's something like 5v5 or 10v10 and the round finishes everyone sees the players leave and tend to follow suite. I believe that if the next round started immediately less people would leave.

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I can have it set to lockers sure.

!assist works with ADK and we never used it. If there is a code that allows you to run it with procon, I could add it but I havent found anything for it with a quick search.

I can look into finding a way to have pearl show up more often.

There is way to lower the intermission time but there doesnt seem to be a procon plugin for that. If you know or know someone who knows something about that, I would make that change.
It would increase the speed of the game if it was on hardcore or if there was a way to spawn with out watching who killed you walking away just straight into respawn
@Matt-aka-FAST Also, it seems like the change to 90hz is causing the server to not show up on default filters. For me and a few others it's giving a lot of network errors as well today. Not sure if it was a recent change or something but maybe worth looking into.