[DAYZ] Surviving (Beginners Guide, By a DayZ Veteran)


Mar 1, 2012
Info from, Dayz.db / Ozone172This

This is a guide and some tips for new players to DayZ and who never played the mod.

Staying Alive
Tip #1: FLASHLIGHTS ARE EVIL! Never use a flash light EVER. It just gives away your position and wastes a good battery. Instead, go into your settings and put the gamma bar to the max. Then, when its day again, just put it back to normal.

Tip #2: Rotten Fruit is a nono. Don't eat it. You will just die.

Tip #3: Stay away from big cities like Cherno and Electro. Lots of players (with guns) will be there.

Tip #4: Make friends, it is a lot better and safer with people you know and trust. look out for each other!

Tip #1: The main thing you want while looting is food and drink. NOT guns. Food and drink is way more important. Look in residential areas, supermarkets and restaurants for food.

Tip #2: The second thing you want is guns. To look tough or to actually kill people, guns spawn in military zones, fire stations and Med Camps. The most profitable place for me is the Med Camp below the Balota Airstrip. Look in the tents and your'e sure to find something.

Tip #3: Meds. Also a big factor, if you are sick, hurt, bleeding or infected, meds are important. Head to the Hospitals in Cherno or Electro and you should be fine. But as I said above, be careful of other players in these big towns.

Tip #4: Castles have nice loot. Guns, food, ammo and equipment, look on the map for places like Rog and Devils Castle.

Staying Out Of Trouble...
Through personal experience, it seems that the bandits like to catch people on the Balota Airstrip. If someone tells you that there is a gun in the Radio Tower, but they are do not want to look hostile so you can have it, hit him in the face with an axe and RUN! There are probably 2-3 armed guys waiting to say: Hands up! If you run, your'e dead. Unless you have a squad of 5 armed men, stay away from these places. Also, if you want unlooted places and less likelihood of bandits, join a server with less people than others.