Still without internet ...


Registered User
Nov 10, 2008
Since the last time i was on I have been without internet. A local problem with my internet provider has cause me to find internet elsewhere and as of this day i have been searching for internet service that would allow me to play battlefield. i have tried one company and it was too slow. I am expecting my new service in the next few weeks and will keep vigilant, Its killing me not being able to play and take part in all the scrims that have been going on. Rest assured i will be back soon and my donation will be there soon as well. Hope to see you all soon !!! Fast and Soulzz next time you kill someone in the gunship, say that was for rayzor!!! lol. hope you all are in good health and spirits, Ray
Bummer about the internet situation. I had that last time I moved. It took about a month to get service. Hopefully we'll see you on soon.
same here rayzor. Only mine was payment issue ;(

I miss being in the gunship and you backing me up in the air ;)