Star Citizen: The Time to Pledge is Now!


Registered User
Jan 3, 2008
In less than a month (end of May), the new RSI site will be up and the costs of pledges will go up. Anyone who pledges before then, will automatically get converted to Lifetime Insurance for their ship. Wait..what is Star Citizen you might ask?

It's the new Chris Roberts game!
The guy who brought you the games:

  • Wing Commander
  • Wing Commander II
  • Wing Commander III
  • Wing Commander IV
  • Privateer
  • Privateer II: The Darkening
  • Starlancer
  • Freelancer
  • Conquest: Frontier Wars

As well as the movies:

  • Lord of War
  • The Punisher
  • Lucky Number Slevin
  • Outlander
  • The Jacket

Star Citizen will basically be a combination of two different games together. Squadron 42 is the story driven single player(or coop), where you play as a member of the military like in Wing Commander. It will be heavily scripted and include different paths as you win and lose missions. After you finish (the single player is optional) you muster out of the military, into the open world that is Star Citizen. Here's the original Kickstarter video.


And here is the Squadron 42 Trailer(All ingame, but pre Alpha):


So why should you be excited?

  • Persitant Universe
  • You can be a mercenary, pirate, merchant, manufacturor, bounty hunter, explorer, etc
  • Universe that is controlled by "Dungeon Masters". With large scale events that alter everything
  • Boarding! You can board player/NPC ships and it goes into a strategic FPS (ala Titan Mode) where you can steal the ship
  • Dynamic damage system, where hits in different areas have all sorts of affects
  • PC Exclusive
  • TONS of new hardware supported. It's being built with Oculus Rift and LEAP Motion in mind, with a bunch of others planned
  • Built on a heavily modified Crysis 3 Engine
  • Ability to manufacture your own parts/ships
  • Stealth technology to stay off the radar
  • Pilot-able (with a crew) capital ships
  • Ships that have multiple crew can have turrets manned by friends
  • Full scale and proportioned ships (The carrier is actually 1km)
  • No loading screens once in the game
  • Tons of aesthetic customization for your ship
  • Buy the game once, no subscription fees
  • Find and chart wormholes to new systems, get to name them(within reason)
  • New content every 2 weeks
  • Also allows for private servers where users can run mods
  • Allows for user created ships
  • Motion Capture player modeling
  • Newtonian Physics

There's way too much to even go into. The game is going to be extremely deep. It's already raised 9 million dollars in crowd-funding as it is. They are anticipating just under 15 million dollars by release.
The release will start with multiple alpha modules, then a combined beta. Everything you do in Beta stays. There will be no roll-back once the game is released.
So the schedule is:
  1. End of May: New Website comes online
  2. End of September 2013: Hanger Module (Your player housing, lets you walk around and check out all your ships, go inside them, configure them, and invite your friends in)
  3. October 2013: Social Module (A bar where you can communicate with other players, take jobs etc)
  4. December 2013: Dogfighting Module (This is where it REALLY starts.)
  5. October 2014: Beta Release
  6. December 2014: Game Release

Top 15 reason to be excited for Star Citizen:


The ships that are coming with release that you can purchase now are:

The Aurora: basically your starter ship. Not a lot going on for it. Short on weapons, short on cargo space. Very customizable.

The 300i: Kind of like the BMW of space. Decent light fighter with a relatively large cargo space.

The Freelancer: Think of this as the semi tractor trailer of space. Lots of storage space with tons of modules.

The Hornet: The medium fighter of the game. The best fighter in the game at current time. Tons of armament, but not much cargo space.

The Cutlass: Bit of a happy medium between the Freelancer and the Hornet. Billed as a pirate ship, it has a docking ring specifically to board other ships. Good cargo space, and weapons loadout.

The Constellation: THE jack of all trades, type ship, Think of this as your Millenium Falcon. TONS of cargo space, TONS of weapons. It's a battle wagon. Even comes with its own snub fighter in the cargo hold.


There will be a total of 14 ships at launch. Including bombers, fighters, cargo ships, fuel ships, and Capital ships. can fly fuckin capital ships!


And you can capture alien ships!


Tons more pictures

And dont mind the music on this, but here's the character modeling:

I havn't played much Skyrim, so I don't know. It's closest to Privateer and Freelancer. An open world, play how you want to play kind of game. I can't wait to see some of the fleet actions that go on;D
I loved freelancer. I'll check this out.

Sent from my Galaxy Note II
Watched the 15 reasons why you'll love this and if this is anything like Freelancer dude I'm Sold..

Naming your own star systems sounds pretty awesome.
Hell yeah! Can't wait to see you guys in out among the stars....blowing shit up.

Speaking of Elite, I pledged for Elite:Dangerous.

Freelancer was okay, but I haven't seen a game's usage of Cryengine that didn't make me cry that I wasn't living 5 years in the future when video cards could actually render what the game was coded at. I'm still waiting for a decent card to replay crysis 1 with... even the GTX 480 chokes on it once in a while. I'm sure it's scalable and you can turn it down, but the engine has kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.

I also don't really like the story-driven, arcade-y "space sims." I dream of a proper reboot of Descent:Freespace with time compression and full newtonian control, no "arcade/newtonian toggle" and no "arcade/newtonian mix" and "hyperspace jumps."

Unfortunately time compression doesn't translate very well to MMOs, which is what SC and E:D will be... and it's also unfortunately a necessity for ultimate technical realism.

I also hate the idea of paying $30 which is already on the high end for a kickstarter project, and then having to grind for in-game currency if I want to afford all the things in the game - or pay for them even more. If it's a f2p game, call it f2p, not a "hybrid."

Whatever... it kind of pisses me off this guy got $6+ mil, while David Braben barely scraped 1/3 of that - and, considering the time/technology, Elite was a better game in every way than Freelancer was. I haven't played Privateer, although I actually had my hands on the CDs in the late 90's. I can't remember why, I think I might've launched it and it didn't appeal to me or something... or maybe it didn't run, can't remember.

I absolutely loved X-wing/Tie Fighter, and Descent:Freespace though. IMO those are the "height" of space sim development so far. Still waiting for something to top them.
Someone needs to make Starflight 3 and Star Control 4 :)
Verified my pledge for the Freelancer star ship. Cool deal that they are going to convert to lifetime insurance for what we purchased.
Someone needs to make Starflight 3 and Star Control 4 :)

Check out SPAZ on Steam. It doesn't look like much visually, but it's the true spiritual successor to Star Control and is a really high quality game underneath - quite impressive/insane for a single developer actually. I had a LOT of fun playing it through, and will probably replay it since the guy that developed it updated it after I had finished it, I think with arenas and some more ships and other things.

Oh, there's a demo too. Try it out, buy it (maybe on sale or on, play it through... and thank me later :-D .

I am in. Just pledged myself for a Freelancer ship. I always enjoyed the Econ/Industrial side of Eve. If this game is any good, you can count on me to help harvest/refine/any industrial/econ side.

But my ass will require backup with lasers and pew pew.

I am in. Just pledged myself for a Freelancer ship. I always enjoyed the Econ/Industrial side of Eve. If this game is any good, you can count on me to help harvest/refine/any industrial/econ side.

But my ass will require backup with lasers and pew pew.

Hell yeah. My fighter will be bristling with weaponry. I'll be happy to fly escort for ya:D

In eve I would run 3 Mackinaws and an Orca at once, while streaming netflix (dual screens FTW!). I never messed around very much with the PvP side though, it just didn't have the appeal to me. If I've got guns flying with me though, we can go harvest the good stuff (whatever that turns out to be in this game).
CIG just did their second 24 hour live stream the night before last. They showed off an insane amount of stuff, including pictures of the idris Corvette, the Starfarer Tanker, the Caterpillar boarding ship, the M50 Racer, and a new ship, the Avenger.

If you have been waiting to pledge for this game...pledge now! They just unlocked a bunch of ships that can't be purchased again(except for in game once it releases, but without life time insurance). They will be locked again on the 6th of July.

They include:
Starfarer Tanker
M50 Intercepter/Racer
Caterpillar Boarding Ship
Retaliator Heavy Bomber
Gladiator Medium Bomber

Also, to get the ability to have LTI on all your ships, you MUST pledge before the 6th.

Check this article for a great rundown of the highlights:

Stick and Rudder: The best bits of Star Citizen's 24-hour livestream | Massively

And also, here is a video of a bunch of the ships, but mainly the Constellation. It shows how it works in game:

I would love to get a Star Farer, but it is soo damned expensive. That kind of play (mining and transport) is what I enjoyed doing in Eve!

Are we looking to get into Piracy? I've flirted with the idea of getting a Caterpillar. Could be used for my day to day industrial needs, as well as more nefarious ones.