Snorlax is a Mexican, 10/25/13 pm, Rising Storm


Registered User
Oct 26, 2013
*Game: Rising Storm

*Server Name: No Lag Realism

*Date/time: 10/25/13 ~2200 - 0000

*Player Name: Snorlax is a Mexican

*Offense: Repeated teamkilling, griefing, and just being an all around smacktard

Evidence: Logs, I would hope.

Comments: He started on the opposite team when he first started griefing apparently. I saw a comment where he said he was 'going to be squad leader next time', then he had a vote kick started against him the next round. Didn't really see the results nor was I terribly interested. The next couple of maps he came on my team and simply started teamkilling me every time he saw me. It became apparent it was intentional when he would tk me right at the radio as I called recon. Then it simply became a pattern. He got kicked several times, but would join right back, bypassing the session ban. He didn't have a mic, so his comments should be listed in the logs.
banned - also has Vac bans so makes my life easier.

Thanks for the report.