Reporting Battlefield 4 Player AngryTank115


Registered User
Dec 24, 2022
Players In Game Name AngryTank115

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |

What is your in game name? (UCAV)guielisofieuge

Date and time approximately 23/12/2022 at any time

Offense committed the player during several games was hindering my visual covering my aim and doing all kinds of annoying acts which prevented me from playing several games he changed teams to my team to do this, I thought about making donations to this server but given this situation and If action is not taken, I will not do it and I will go to another server. The player is AngryTank115 and he played as a support class.
I hope a prompt response to my mail .. thank you very much

Additional comments I request the ban of this player since he continuously attacked vervally through chat and was toxic in 4 games
I did not know that I should provide screenshots but I will be uploading more reports surely its my first time reporting someone
Your chat logs would seem to indicate that you knew you should be recording. I'll defer to another admin on this one.
Honestly his chat could have been a lot worse. And without visual proof that he did anything that you say such as Screenshots or a video recording There isn't much we can go off on.

Also based on your chat logs. You were calling him out too and calling him an asshole. So the toxicity was pretty even on both sides.

For now there is nothing we can do without evidence of such actions of him body blocking you.
In the future you should record evidence or take screenshots. Anything to prove what you have said. This thread will remain open so that you can do so.