Reporting Battlefield 4 Player aidacus


Registered User
Apr 19, 2018
Players In Game Name aidacus

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US -

What is your in game name? HATANO_KENJI

Date and time approximately 2023/5/23 00:10 EST

Offense committed This guy has killed me viciously many times.

Additional comments This guy got into my LAV-25 and just shot at random on purpose, He also shoots indiscriminately when he doesn't see the enemy, He just wants to call the enemy tanks to attack me.

I got very angry because of this and told him to get off my LAV-25 multiple times, So I go back to base and let my LAV-25 blow itself up, By the time he spawned again, he'd killed me multiple times. (He killed me at least 3 times)

I just want to say that the most important thing about HARDCORE is to hide your location, But this guy wants to let everyone know where I am, no matter his bullets can never do damage to the tank, He still does it and hinders me on purpose.

I think he should be punished.


I have given said player a timeout as this is their first ban / report.

I highly advise you disable whatever that external software is and don't use it, Some anticheat agencies we stream like to... Ban for these sorts of things.
The bottom right corner of my screenshot is the function built into Battlefield 4, This can let me to understand the current connection speed and the hit rate of the bullets used. (Especially when a DDoS attack occurs)

This is when a DDoS attack occurs:


By the way:
For me LAV-25 is a shotgun and sniper rifle that can move at high speed, so I pay great attention to quiet movement, If someone says I cheat, I just want to ask if anyone can understand sniper rifles?

That's what I want to say to people like that guy, Bullets are limited (Especially in HARDCORE), so all I can do is fire as many bullets as possible on a smooth road, That's how my high hit rate came about...