Reporting a player

Montgomery Wood

Registered User
Jan 17, 2016
User Name Montgomery Wood

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** TDG - Push (Insurgency)

Which Game is this for?** Insurgency 2014

Date/time:** 1/24/2014

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 5:27pm

Player's name** [MEATLIPS]--numberous players with clan name

Offense committed: Constantly Calling Votes & Using "On My Way"-voice

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: ALL Meatlips clan members, especially PiLioT was constantly using "On My Way"-voice commands-about once every 2 seconds, when asked to stop, they continued throughout the matches. This has happened both times they were on before. They do not stop! They also are in the habit of Calling Votes 4+ times each match. Someone must stop them or bar them from the server.

Comments ALL Meatlips clan members, especially PiLioT was constantly using "On My Way"-voice commands-about once every 2 seconds, when asked to stop, they continued throughout the matches. This has happened both times they were on before. They do not stop! They also are in the habit of Calling Votes 4+ times each match. Someone must stop them or bar them from the server.
steam ID would help next time. I found the player, and it has been handled.

Next time, take a screenshot or record a demo. Demos are built into the game by going into console.