Reporting a player


Registered User
Jan 29, 2015
Member Name Soar_Rooster

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?**

Which Game is this for?** Team Fortress2 Bad company 2

Date/time:** 1/29/2015 7:15pm EST to 1/29/2015 7:50pm EST

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 1/29/2015 7:15pm EST to 1/29/2015 7:50pm EST

Player's name** Direwolf

Offense committed: Excessive verbal abuse, derrogatory and sexist behavior

Steam ID: 76561198064447119

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: Unable to provide recordings as the situation escalated quickly. There should be ample chat logs to corroborate this report.

Comments Over the course of 1/29/2015 7:15pm EST to 1/29/2015 7:50pm EST, a situation escalated where Direwolf became increasingly hostile to members of my clan. We dismissed much of the banter as typical trash talk. Things began to escalate when we tried to voteban him. He became irate and hostile launching into a tirade of swearing and screaming. He left the server and things returned to normal.

Around 7:40pm EST, Direwolf returned and targeted one of our female clan members. Over voice chat, Direwolf verbally berated her with very demeaning comments and insults. Our player left the server to get him to stop.
Thanks for the report. One of our TF2 admins will have a look into the matter.
Hello, I'm one of the players involved with this incident. I was unfortunate enough to have to report a player awhile back for similar behavior. The individual being reported has been a constant problem with the server and game play in general. While going out of his way to try and provoke and instigate confrontation with other players constantly... he crossed a line today, his comments were very sexist and down right unnecessary. He even provoked her to the point of leaving the server entirely to "cool down". I do apologize for these reports, but players like that will ruin a server and make general game play miserable for everyone involved.
Direwolf continues to berate female players. I was able to capture this demo... Don't mind my horrible play. I never claimed to be good at the game. LOL!


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I was also involved in this situation. I'm mk Sub_Zero in game. Direwulf and another player were having a calm, interesting conversation which we were all listening to, and me and Raiden both made a comment that was pertaining to the conversation, and wasn't at all aimed at him, and he immediately flared up and lashed at us. When I tried to explain to him that we weren't trying to say anything by him, he proceeded to insult and berate me, and wouldn't listen as I tried to calmly explain to him we didn't say anything about him. He left, and then came back and continued to insult me, to which I got too upset and deemed it fit to leave because I was starting to lash back.
Thanks for the report. I saw the demo and I'm pretty sure he is on drugs or drunk. He is slurring his words. Anyway, If he continues to be a menace, do report back and I will give him a temp ban.

There are things you can do in the meantime, you can votemute or voteban this player for 2 hours if he receives enough votes. All you have to do is type voteban or votemute in chat and select the player from the menu
I wish I had been able to capture his earlier exchanges, which were far more aggressive and demeaning. Regardless of external influences, that type of behavior should not be tolerated.

I would like to suggest implementing a different method for votemute and voteban. Convincing 8 other players to type out the command and navigate to the offending player is difficult with someone who is abusing the voice chat. This player has apparently been problematic with regulars that many have just muted him at the client level. This results in a lot of crosstalk when they talk over him.

Regardless of the outcome of this report, thank you for reviewing my submission. My friends (clan and otherwise) enjoy playing on this server.
This guy really needs to go. I logged in for 15 minutes and almost the entire time he was harassing my clanmates when no one provoked him. I said two lines "LMAOP" and "As I suggested before, go die in a fire." in response to his tirade. I could care less about his comments toward me, but as we have several female members in our clan, we try to shield them from misogynistic, sexist behavior. We enjoy playing on your server and often attract a following when we play. We do not like to see one player ruin everyone's good time.

Since the votemute/voteban options rarely receive enough active votes, we all have him muted. Today he used chat (which cannot be muted/hidden) to troll us. I didn't plan on playing long so I did not record a demo. I did capture many screenshots of his behavior.

Please take action against him for directly violating your posted rules, which he has to agreed to when joining your server.

Thank you.
Moron is back and as bad as ever. Could you please permanently ban him.

Summary: He started the moment he logged in and didn't stop for 27 minutes. He bragged about how he's been banned multiple times from the server. I left to spare the other players on the server who were frustrated by him.

Screenshots and demos below


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