Reporting a player


Registered User
Dec 31, 2014
Member Name MKRaiden

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** TBG Turbine

Which Game is this for?** Team Fortress2 Bad company 2

Date/time:** 12/31/14

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 0243

Player's name** Yung Venuz

Offense committed: Racial/Sexual Slurs

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: No evidence can be provided at this time, everything was done over the mic, but there were people on the server who can confirm what I am saying is true.

Comments At the above listed date/time after joining the TBG Turbine server, there was an argument of some sort taking place over the mic. Someone by the name of Yung Venuz was accusing austenmh of calling him a "I am a spammer". (Bear in mind I came into this late, its not 100% my complaint, but it does lead up to it.). Austenmh stated that he didn't call Yung Venuz "the N word." Yung Venuz kept going on and on about how austenmh called him a "I am a spammer", and was using every opportunity provided to him to use the word "I am a spammer". At least 10-12 times Yung Venuz said the word "I am a spammer".

I got on the mic at this time and requested that Yung Venuz explain what austinmh called him? Implying that he didn't use the word "I am a spammer" enough. Yung Venuz then goes on to call me a "faggot", to which austinmh stated that's what Yung Venuz was calling him, and he was offended because he is a homosexual.

I looked over your rules, and it stated that "racial slurs" would not be tolerated, but no where does it state that "sexual slurs" were or were not allowed. I do apologize if this report is a waste of your time as well as my own, but as an adult who plays on your TF2 servers I couldn't restrain from posting something....anything really. I could care less about language, I've heard it all... but it seemed like Yung Venuz was going out of his way to be an asshole and was using every chance he could to say the world "I am a spammer" and "faggot" as if he was trying to bully austinmh.
I will ban this player. he might not have a lot of chat history, but seeing his names he has given himself I will give him a ban pending an apology and a resolution to change his ways.

Thank you for your report.

Edit: After reading more of the chat logs I added bans to a couple of other players. In the future it is best to mute these players and go back to playing the game. "Don't feed the trolls" as it were.
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I usually do mute players who are being annoying, but given the nature of their conversation I had to speak my peace. Thank you for your prompt reply and action against the player in question.
Sorry you had to deal with ass hats like him. Frag on!

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