Reporting a player


Registered User
May 29, 2014
Member Name MEX_cuz_I_CAN

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** Second Assault

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 9/21

Would be helpful to indicate the time. about 7:17am PST

Player's name** [SVC]robante_13

Offense committed: being toxic, typing bs toward me in Spanish

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: chat logs

Comments he did it another day too. As soon as he saw I was in the server this morning, he started with calling me a Mexican piece of shit in Spanish. At this moment 7:28am he's talking about someones mom, he's pretty immature and I'm tired of him. Even a kick or temp ban w/warning would be nice if you don't want to ban him. I just want to game in peace.
the guy seems to be Salvadorean so apparently he has a problem with Mexicans because the other day he also started with "Mexicano de mierda" (Mexican piece of shit) so I do take that as racism
[07:18:45] robante_13 > Ya venis vos de nuevo mexicano de mierda
Now you come back you fucking Mexican
[07:19:06] MEX_cuz_I_CAN > por siendo mierda segun tu pinche culero me das mucha atencion
by being your asshole fucking shit according you give me much attention
[07:20:00] robante_13 > Es que tu madre me dice que te preste atencion, se siente mal por ti
Is your mother tells me you pay attention, you feel bad for you
[07:21:08] robante_13 - Russian Army - Bravo > Really bro?
[07:27:22] Levonas > anyone playing medic?
[07:27:40] Commado88 > fauck i bailed
[07:27:42] oo0_Chip_0oo > Your mother and I were playing Docter earlier?
[07:27:43] robante_13 > I do...
[07:28:16] robante_13 > A too play with her mother...

No doubt this guy is an asshole. If there is a next time I hope one of us can stop him from being an asshat directly.

Adise: Google Translate is funny. What is grammar?
I did some digging back on 9/19.. I have banned him, telling him to appeal. In which case he can apologize.
[16:27:34] robante_13 > Callate mexicano demierda
Shut up Mexican Shit
[16:27:45] robante_13 > Anda campea a la frontera de la concha de tu puta madre
Anda abounds at the border of the shell of your whore mother
[16:27:59] robante_13 > Callate pedazo de mierda
Shut up you piece of shit
[16:29:33] robante_13 > Mexicano, me cago tu puta madre imigrante
Mexican, I shit you fucking immigrant mother
[16:29:39] MEX_cuz_I_CAN > callate guey
Shut up ???
[16:29:46] MEX_cuz_I_CAN > me fastidias como todos los de ms
you tease me like all the time
[16:30:04] robante_13 - US Army - Charlie > Mexicano, tu madre no es mas puta, porque no hay mas gringos
Mexicano, your mother is but a bitch, why do not more gringos
[16:30:23] MEX_cuz_I_CAN > ni puedo comer en paz
I can not eat in peace
[16:30:31] robante_13 > Comete mi polla
Eat my dick
[16:30:57] robante_13 > Putas como tu madre, siguen portandose como putas
Whores like your mother, still acting like whores
[16:31:00] MEX_cuz_I_CAN > entonces eres de esos que les gustan hombres jaja por eso quieres mi atencion
then you are one of those men who like haha so you want my attention
[16:31:17] MEX_cuz_I_CAN > buscate otro joto como tu
buscate another fagot like you
[16:31:22] robante_13 > Nah, me gusta mas la atencion que me da en los huevos tu hermana
Nah, I like more the attention it gives me your sister in eggs (I'm thinking I like the attention your sister gives my balls).
[16:31:35] MEX_cuz_I_CAN > tal ves tu tio, ese que te toco de nia
so you see your uncle, that I touch you nia
[16:31:40] robante_13 - US Army - Charlie > Si la chupas tan bien como ella,
If you suck as well as she,
[16:32:49] robante_13 - US Army - Charlie > Que tu madre se prostituye donde?
Your mother is a prostitute where?