Report Admin TCRenno


Registered User
May 16, 2013
Complaints/Report Admin
May 23, 2013 at 2:05pm PST
Admin(s) name
What server was this on | 24/7 METRO NO RESTRICTION 1000 TIX | 64P | NO LAG
Your report / complaint.

This is BS I even went on your TS to say why ban me all I told TC Renno was to chill out because he was going over board with his actions in game. The kids friend was defending him and it truly did not look good on TC. I'm 44 yrs old been playing on this server for almost a year never disrespected anyone on this server and even stuck up for this server. I never swore at him not even on TS to be treated this way you know I come on to have fun.
I would hope you care if someone supports your server and that I do. Like I said before I never had a problem, yes I see your point on getting in the middle of YOUR business and That I am sorry. I play everyday pretty much with the same people from TBG and we have fun and that's all I want to do is to have fun. Sorry if you thought I was loud on your TS but I was trying to explain didn't swear whatsoever to you all I said was to Chill out and yes again I had no business saying anything. You can Mark my word you will never hear another outburst from me again. Sorry for everything Alex 5/24/2013