Possible New Computer Build


Registered User
Jan 3, 2014
I have been thinking about building myself a new computer, my current one has been having some speed issues and some BSODs that I cant seem to get to the source of.

I want to build a nice gaming rig, but still trying to keep my price down.... This is what I have been bouncing around with, I have decided on my Case, CPU and maybe my GPU. If anyone has any suggestions of something better and/or cheaper, Im open to suggestions.

1. Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119297 - Decided
2. Mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128514 - Decided
3. CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284 - Decided
4. PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207028 - Decided

5. Ram: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820103038

6. GPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150605

7. HDD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236624 - Decided

8. SSD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147247

9. WC: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835106220 - Decided
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I'm not up to snuff on CPUs and how much Intel is better than AMD. If there is still a big gap I would say go Intel for that price you can get a really good Intel processor. Not sure about the price of MOBO's but option b is a better color I don't understand why they are manufacturing MOBO's with brown in them.
I'm not up to snuff on CPUs and how much Intel is better than AMD. If there is still a big gap I would say go Intel for that price you can get a really good Intel processor. Not sure about the price of MOBO's but option b is a better color I don't understand why they are manufacturing MOBO's with brown in them.

I will never buy an Intel again. AMD beats them in price and performance. Also My current CPU is just as good as most intels now. I want something more powerful at a good price and that is AMD

But I do agree with you on MOBO B im more of a Gigabyte fan...I really like their Double BIOS System
You better get a damn good cooler for that CPU
Yea I don't know how AMD compares to Intel on performance anymore. I used to buy AMD when their temps were way better than Intel but when the i7 came out It was such a big difference I couldn't pass it up.

What is this double BIOS you speak of?

Gigabyte is a good MOBO ASUS is my go to but those colors... I just can't get over it.
I also wasn't a fan of Radeon GPUs back then because they had heat issues but I don't know anymore plus I fell in love with EVGA and their support of their products.
My big question is the CPU. You're pretty much paying a premium just for the privilege of going to 4.7 GHz at stock. A lot of folks just overclock an FX-8350 and save themselves the extra dough (this is coming from an AMD fanboi right here. ) I would get that chip and then take the money saved to spend it on better cooling. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of people don't like overclocking, but If you're looking for that price / performance, the 8350 OC'd to 4.7 is where the sweet spot is.

With the power supply, I would go with a seasonic or a corsair any day, as you're gonna get 70 amps on the 12 volt rail, plus they have a nice track record of stability and reliability.

What is this double BIOS you speak of?

Its a secondary BIOS should your screw up the first one due to malfunction or overclocking.
Also for ram, I would suggest this instead:


The above is about 30 dollars cheaper, and comparable timings to the AMD stuff. Will still hit the advisertised speeds. To me, there's better memory out there, and this is just product branding really. Like paying an extra 20 dollars on a mouse because it says 'BF4' on it. Not necessary and will still get your the performance you need.
My big question is the CPU. You're pretty much paying a premium just for the privilege of going to 4.7 GHz at stock. A lot of folks just overclock an FX-8350 and save themselves the extra dough (this is coming from an AMD fanboi right here. ) I would get that chip and then take the money saved to spend it on better cooling. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of people don't like overclocking, but If you're looking for that price / performance, the 8350 OC'd to 4.7 is where the sweet spot is.

With the power supply, I would go with a seasonic or a corsair any day, as you're gonna get 70 amps on the 12 volt rail, plus they have a nice track record of stability and reliability.

Also for ram, I would suggest this instead:


The above is about 30 dollars cheaper, and comparable timings to the AMD stuff. Will still hit the advisertised speeds. To me, there's better memory out there, and this is just product branding really. Like paying an extra 20 dollars on a mouse because it says 'BF4' on it. Not necessary and will still get your the performance you need.

Nice suggestion for the CPU. I actually didn't think of that.

As for the RAM... I'm not the biggest fan of the G.Skill brand. I have tried them before and I had nothing but problems with them. Tho I do understand the price is inflated for the branding... Though i have bought stuff cause of its branding before.

For the PSU I dont like seasonic, but the Corsairs can be nice. However most of the Corsairs are at the same price point as the XFX and I have had really good experiences with them, so I may just stick with the XFX.

Also Any cooling you would reccommend? I have never done liquid cooling...but I know once summer hits if i were to build this computer I would probably fry it.....so do you think Liquid would be the way to go? or could i get away with enough fans?
Well, with liquid cooling, its split between two classes: a bolt on kit and then there is custom loops you can build. Keep in mind, with custom loops, it can easily get expensive. And bolt on kits are decent, but after you start over clocking, they may not be adequate enough for heat build up.

I'm a bit hazy on air coolers, but this seems to be the best bet: the NH-D14 from noctua. I've built some systems with this heatsink and had nothing but good luck.
Have you seen the power draw and temperature readings on that chip? You could build a 4770k system for less (especially when you consider the huge investment in cooling you will need could be put into a much better motherboard) that would draw 1/2 the power and, in almost all everyday uses and games, would outperform that system.
If you are going AMD then get the 8350 and overclock it with watercooler or a closed loop water cooling system.

You can then put that extra money towards a GTX 770 or a AMD HD 7950 or higher.
SSD: 840pro series.

water cool it man. even if you just put the chip under water, you can get a res/rad/pump/tube/fitting/waterblock for anywhweres around 250-500usd...your gpu may run a few C higher, but that processor will stay nice and cool. that case is big enough to when you feel comfortable, or are ready for upgrades, you have the room to do so!
Just my 2 cents:

1. Case: Love the case

2. Mobo: Very nice mb

3. CPU: I have the 8350 and love it but do you need a 9590? The power draw is 220w compared to the 125w of the fx8350 and its $170 cheaper. Although the 9590 has a cooler with it so that saves finding one but a corsair h100 is only $100 so thats still $70 cheaper. Never looked into the fx9xxx series so maybe you read something that turned you that direction.

4. PSU: According to extreme PSU calculator adding a few things like extra fans, crossfire 7870s, h100 and bluray, you only need approx 580w. Corsair RM850, same price
a. Corsair HX1050,

5. Ram: Many of these would save you ~$15, same timings and look better

6. GPU: If this was me Id be looking at 270x not a 7870, go forward not backwards

7. HDD: WD has so many HDD available for different users, Newegg has a "USAGE" description which is nice if you dont understand all the fancy tech terms. If this HDD is for storage then that HDD should be good but if used for gaming look for a Black series.

a. Just a random idea, SSHD. I have 3.

8. SSD: Good SSD. Is this for OS or gaming? Kingston is another good company Ive used.
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Well, with liquid cooling, its split between two classes: a bolt on kit and then there is custom loops you can build. Keep in mind, with custom loops, it can easily get expensive. And bolt on kits are decent, but after you start over clocking, they may not be adequate enough for heat build up.
I'm a bit hazy on air coolers, but this seems to be the best bet: the NH-D14 from noctua. I've built some systems with this heatsink and had nothing but good luck.
I actually have a similar heatsink to that right now in my computer So if i dont go watercooling that might be my choice

If you are going AMD then get the 8350 and overclock it with watercooler or a closed loop water cooling system.
You can then put that extra money towards a GTX 770 or a AMD HD 7950 or higher.
I did decide to go with the 8350, just didnt update the link. As for GPU... I will never buy Nividia. And i picked the one that I did because I am getting Two, that I plan on crossfiring. If I was to go with a 7950 or higher...it will go out of my budget.

SSD: 840pro series.
water cool it man. even if you just put the chip under water, you can get a res/rad/pump/tube/fitting/waterblock for anywhweres around 250-500usd...your gpu may run a few C higher, but that processor will stay nice and cool. that case is big enough to when you feel comfortable, or are ready for upgrades, you have the room to do so!
If I can avoid spending the extra to go to 840pro SSD...i would prefer to.

As for the water cooling...if the whole wc system just for the chip is gonna cost that much. I will use either fans or a contained CPU system to cool it and save up for a full system later if needed

Just my 2 cents:
3. CPU: I have the 8350 and love it but do you need a 9590? The power draw is 220w compared to the 125w of the fx8350 and its $170 cheaper. Although the 9590 has a cooler with it so that saves finding one but a corsair h100 is only $100 so thats still $70 cheaper. Never looked into the fx9xxx series so maybe you read something that turned you that direction.
4. PSU: According to extreme PSU calculator adding a few things like extra fans, crossfire 7870s, h100 and bluray, you only need approx 580w. Corsair RM850, same price
a. Corsair HX1050,
5. Ram: Many of these would save you ~$15, same timings and look better
6. GPU: If this was me Id be looking at 270x not a 7870, go forward not backwards
7. HDD: WD has so many HDD available for different users, Newegg has a "USAGE" description which is nice if you dont understand all the fancy tech terms. If this HDD is for storage then that HDD should be good but if used for gaming look for a Black series.
8. SSD: Good SSD. Is this for OS or gaming? Kingston is another good company Ive used.

3. I did decide to go with the 8350
4. Yea I dont wanna pay the extra for the HX PSU...and with the RM the same price and stats ill stick with my XFX...i have one now and Im really happy with them.
5. I was looking at Corsair RAM as well
6. I want to crossfire 2 GPUs so going 270x would skyrocket my price.
7. A Black in 3TB is $60 more...though i could drop to a 2TB black for only $10more and i still should be fine space wise.
8. The SSD is going to be just for OS.
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Your going to be making some serious tradeoffs due to crossfire. From everything I've read, its just not worth it. Get a Good R9 series for the price of those two AMD cards.

Crossfire will most likely only bring you extra work and frustration without the noticeable payoff.

Also, on the note of AMD vs Nvidia. Its all a mixed bag. I've owned both, most recently I had a 7950 before this and it was fantastic, no complaints at all. But I also have had nothing but happiness from my GTX 770.
Your going to be making some serious tradeoffs due to crossfire. From everything I've read, its just not worth it. Get a Good R9 series for the price of those two AMD cards.

Crossfire will most likely only bring you extra work and frustration without the noticeable payoff.

Also, on the note of AMD vs Nvidia. Its all a mixed bag. I've owned both, most recently I had a 7950 before this and it was fantastic, no complaints at all. But I also have had nothing but happiness from my GTX 770.

The point of me crossfiring is that I plan to be running a 3-4 moniter setup and my current rig which will function as a 2nd computer will also be built into my desk. So Crossfire is a need, I also have a few things that I want to run with eyefinity

And yea. I know that they are both good companies...but any time I have had Nvidia, I have had nothing but problems...where my AMD/ATI have always run perfectly.
Just throwing this out there but XFX runs hotter. If I was buying another gpu I wouldn't be looking for anything under a 7950/270x and go crossfire once everything else fell into place: monitors, desk and rig is complete. With bitcoin mining it has inflated the price of GPUs and its just not worth it. But its your money, your hassle of warranties and ultimately you have to stare at it. All in all its becoming a sweet build.
Just throwing this out there but XFX runs hotter. If I was buying another gpu I wouldn't be looking for anything under a 7950/270x and go crossfire once everything else fell into place: monitors, desk and rig is complete. With bitcoin mining it has inflated the price of GPUs and its just not worth it. But its your money, your hassle of warranties and ultimately you have to stare at it. All in all its becoming a sweet build.

I know the XFXs can run hotter. I have used them in my past 4 computer builds and I couldnt be more happy with their price/performance ratio. I counteract the heat by using an expansion slot PCI fan, and it works perfectly, never had an over heating problem with my card. But if I had the money I would love to go into a good Sapphire GPU. But yea bitcoin mining has DEFINATLY destroyed GPU prices....I cried when I started looking at their prices compared to what I would have paid for the same card when I did my last build.

Also I have everything in place but the rig. Monitors, I already know what I'm getting. The desk I am custom building with my friend, because I just cant find a premade one that fits my needs. And this way I can make it fit my needs perfectly. I just need to hammer out all the details for the rig. But yea...i do believe it is turning out well. Esepcially with all of your guys suggestions and advice.