[poll] Unban Azul_Ghost

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Registered User
May 26, 2009
Hey there,

I was banned tonight at about 12:30am. I believe it was Dirty-Lex that banned me as I had a look at who was on the server from your clan. It happened just after I knifed me 3 players and one of them may have been him. I've worked hard at being good with the knife and those three knifings were some of my best. I pride myself on playing a clean game and was very dissapointed to get banned so quickly without any warning at all. I'm a mature gamer (32) so I have no time to be getting banned from servers so I stay clean. Hope the admin can be a bit more understanding and if he would like I could give him a knifing lesson or two :)

The server was TBG City Maps LA.

By the way, I don't know if this is the way you guys run your server, but I hope that I wasn't banned simply for being a good player...that would set a bad precedent. Well, here's to happy gaming!
Can't say remember if you were in my squad. Why do you think you were banned Darkstar? I find American servers a lot of fun, I own in just about every game I play. This particular round was going really well for me, was enjoying it a lot. I do remember Dirty-Lex being upset that no one on his team was reviving him so maybe he took it out on us. Like I said though, i don't know if it was Dirty-Lex, but whoever it was it was very odd. I was trained in the 2142 trenches of Australia, where the caliber of player is much higher (more noobs in US, not TBG though). In australia I did pretty well for myself, but it was much harder to break into the top 3 every round. Now I have no problem doing it. Well, I just mention this to let you guys know I'm no hacking noob, I've been around this game long enough to pwn a bit here and there. Hope we get unbanned. I've been known to kinife up to 10 players in a row within a minute or two so 3 knifings is really no big deal, just that these were real clean and required very little work, bummer that I got banned. Would have loved to see how the round ended.
Yes, I was in your squad.

I feel I was banned for simply being falsely accused of hacking perhaps? I was just laying the smack down during a round and I feel the same member you are referring to did the same thing to me; vote kick and ban the player that keeps killing him.
I did indeed ban you because you were highly suspicious at aiming, not at all because you were knifing guys left and right lol. I love the challenge when someone is good enough to knife on an infantry server.

At TBG we take pride to make sure that our servers attract some of the best players on 2142 and filter out the sludge of hackers, glitcher idiots and the like, so Im sure that we can unban you just allow 24hrs for myself, the founders and my fellow head administrators to sort things out, because you name did come up on a list of "suspicious" activity in the camp G server. We have been around alot of really good players and we host a vast majority ourselves, we enjoy having the servers full of good fair gameplay,

a decision will be rendered shortly
Thanks for that Dirty-Lex! Cya on the battlefield mate. Some suspicious stuff may be because I'm new to American servers (on vacation in SoCal) but I won't be here much longer. Going back to Australia soon to finish my PhD, but I'll look you guys up when I'm back home in San Diego.

By the way, what sort of suspicious stuff you talking about? Maybe if I know I can try to avoid it. Australian servers are significantly different so it is a bit of a culture shock, but a nice one thus far.
Darkstar, I have a feeling you may need to start your own thread to get a direct answer. They may have the rule "one thread=one request"

By the way, I don't know if this is the way you guys run your server, but I hope that I wasn't banned simply for being a good player...that would set a bad precedent. Well, here's to happy gaming!

we have some of the best players in the game in this clan. fast #1 in gunship, falcon #2, many of us are top 100 if not top 50, balls and sixer are ranked as top global players....

so in the future keep unban requests short and simple. IE, hey, i was banned earlier on "x" server, can anyone help me out? ---end of statement.

we have some of the best players in the game in this clan. fast #1 in gunship, falcon #2, many of us are top 100 if not top 50, balls and sixer are ranked as top global players....

so in the future keep unban requests short and simple. IE, hey, i was banned earlier on "x" server, can anyone help me out? ---end of statement.

Should TBG admins ban on a whim?

Votes: 3 | 37.5%


Votes: 5 | 62.5%

ha ha ha... nice
Roth, there isn't anything short and simple about me. Why does someone always gotta piss on good vibes and good will. Listen, from what I gather I am given the liberty as a member of this website to plead my case in a manner becoming of a reasonable person and so I did. When I think it necessary I will elaborate on my thoughts and intentions and this is a right of every freedom loving individual and a celabration of our individuality in this land of the Free! So, I would suggest that you heed your mommy's advice: "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all"

Don't know if you found my original post offending or boring but it really wasn't my intention. I would suggest thicker skin next time may help in reading long posts. I think Dirty-lex showed just how upstanding and reasonable you all can be, follow his lead, seems like a smart guy to me.

Hope you found this informative. By the way, the poll was just for some fun. Check it out, pretty funny results...LOL. I also stand by my previous statement that you quoted. Certainly I may have made it without being completely informed about the methods or criteria you all use to ban people, but it's as valid as any other comment given the situation. I don't know you all and you don't know me, so, a few words should help us all become more familiar with each other, seeing as we have at least one thing in common...the love of blowing shit up...here's to BF2142. See you all on the server, and your tags at the end of my knife! :p

Remember, sometimes the most powerful weapon we have is our words, use them wisely.
90% of your post was not needed for an unban request., neither was your last post.

heres a quote from the sticcky incase you didnt read:

If you were banned from our server(s) Tell us:

1) *required* Whats the name of the server you were banned:

2) *require* The date and time

3) *optional* If possible, the admin that banned you

4) *optional* If possible, the reason that you might of gotten banned.

Do not act like an idiot when pleading your case. We are very forgiving but won't tolerate childishness.

therefore, thats all you need to post.
I was on the server at the time and the ban was a collective agreement. On the field playing a reasonable 10,000 games I have crossed paths with a number of hackers and glitchers. Roughly, 90% of the time I know an aimbot by fire rate to hit ratio; plus, add in the distance. When I crossed your path I found myself in aww, only because I could only fire a few rounds before I found myself "killed by." Being in the top 5 in the BF world I would say aimbot ...100% of the time.
balls, are you accusing me of hacking without any hard evidence? Bottom line is I don't hack. And Roth, what isn't needed is both your posts, and that is 100% of them. Just didn't add to my thread. I think I'm free to write as I wish. Pleading my case was one of the options so I chose to do that, now I can't quite figure out why you don't understand that. By the way, you may want to read your rules again in regards to how you treat others on the servers and in the forums, you may need a reminder. That goes for any hackusations that you or others may be leveling on me. I guarantee you that I don't hack or glitch and never will, just not my style.

By the way, if you find my posts worthless then please do yourself a favor and don't read them. If there is anything childish about this thread is that you find it necessary (for some unknown reason) to lecture me on truly minial things. Pretty easy actually, don't read, don't post, simple as that. Can someone put a leash on this guy already. Jesus!
im a head admin completely capable of lifting you ban or making it permanent.

you just think youre the best thing to happen to 2142 and only joined our website to get a ban lifted. you dont give a shit about us.

thread locked.

good luck with the ban.
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