Needs to STOP!!!

There is nothing to win in Afghanistan, it is the backwoods hardest place on earth were the only profit there is the poppy plant. Whats worse not is is they are now outlawing that to be grown. SO the one thing the country could produce, now it is illegal/ I'm not saying growing heroine is okay, but talk about taking the knees out of the country just while its trying to stand.

1,000,000 +++ (and rapidly growing) heroin addicts can't be wrong. The legal issues of the drug trade are irrelevant.

Afghanistan and tribal Pakistan are sitting on top of the largest known deposits of rare earth metals and minerals - and those who care know it.
Example = bastnaesite which in its oxidized state is Neodymium Nd = magnets.
Think of it like this -

Osama bin Laden is sleeping right on top of the resources necessary for all the clean energy plans that Barack Obama is trying top make. If GM plans on making millions of electric cars they're going to need to talk to bin Laden and friends.

Oh, and for the oil in Iraq - 10% of Iraq's Basra oil field is in Kuwait - the oil can be pumped from there (just like they have always been doing - Saddam invaded for this very reason), no need to build new infrastructure there.