My system good enough for a bit?


Registered User
Jul 12, 2012
Well I am going off to College in 3 weeks, and I do not want to spend anymore money on this computer at the moment


CPU: X4 Black Edition 3.8 Overclocked
GPU: Overclockable PNY Enthusiast GTX 460 OCed to 950Mhz (Pretty cool because if you overclock this card, it doesn't void the warranty)
Case: Some old 1999 gaming computer case (So UGLY ROFL, But really good airflow)
Board: MSI Mini Atx Military Edition
HD: 120GB (ROFL sad, I know!)
Monitor: LG monitor, 720p

On ultra on overclocked, I get a max of 80-90 FPS in the air, 55-65 FPS on the ground, lowest that the fps will drop to is about 42-45.

In total I have spent around $250 on this computer, not bad for a computer that can run Ultra with no problems.

Pretty funny story, I would get around 30-40 fps on low, and I am just flipping out, so I went to my Nvidia 3d settings, the Power consumption on the card was set at Lowest. I was sceptical if I put it to high it wouldn't make a difference, but I nearly shat my bridges. 110-120 fps on Low-Medium in the air, I was flipping shit :p

Tell me what I should upgrade, cheapest options please. Make sure it is Canadian friendly. Thanks :)

Edit: Oh and I am happy about the card because on New they were having a GTX 400 series sale, I got this card for $110+Tax. I was really amazed, right now the card on is around $250+ Tax. Hopefully this card will last for a while more, hopefully like the 8000+9000 Series cards.
I would upgrade to;

1) OS Win 7 6Bit if you don't all ready have it
2) Minimum 8 Gb of RAM 16 would be better, but 8 will do fine
3) HDD to an SSD

I had the same series vid card and was happy with it, but could not pass up a deal from another member here on something better.
Hey sorry, I have 4gb of ram, planning to get 16 hopefully my next paycheck, or maybe 8 for now

^ Thanks bob.
Looks good so far though i would agree with Bob.
I am still looking to get win 7 on my rig then i would be playing bf3 right now.
Anyways ... Bob is awesome with rig set up you should take his advice like gospel.
Haha ^

I already have Windows 7 64 Bit.
Just need a new SSD and another 4-8 gb of ram.
Haha ^

I already have Windows 7 64 Bit.
Just need a new SSD and another 4-8 gb of ram.
Rayzor, if you need help the Win7 procurement. I'll be online tonight, I can help win that.

Thumbed with my iPhone