more delay with R14 and client patch


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
"No BFBC2 PC patch today. QA has another version to test that Mikael made over the weekend. More updates to follow as I get them." - Bazajaytee (EA/Dice employee)
And in a shocking development. . . .

.....seriously? each time they delay my blood pressure rises since they keep adding stuff and not telling us what they are adding... it makes me think that the changes will completely fuck over the admin since i cant prep further than i already have with the information given.
to be honest, they should delay this patch until it is perfect, this is potentially their game saving patch and should not be fucked up. give them their time. then when it comes out and p0ssibly fails, begin flaming them lol
What's so wrong with the game that it needs to be "saved"?

I personally would've gone a different route with a few design choices, but I highly doubt they're changing anything at this point. I'm extremely surprised they decided to redo the choppers. I'm interested in whether it will make them more interesting to play with.
by that i meant it might bring back all the people who left the game because of issues with crashing and similar shit (KNIFE) that will populate more of the servers. Also the people who didn't buy the game because they know DICE and were waiting until it was in a release condition.