[ST:O] Meet the Timeship Blackbird... and now the fastest ship in the universe!


Mar 6, 2011
Pulled her out of mothballs should have her retrofitted within the month:


You wont see it coming and you won't know what fucking hit ya. Can't believe I stopped using this ship after like 1 day. The future has returned for another go around.

You'll never keep up Kubla:
Thats not even at full impluse thats regular impulse.
How is Star trek online?

Depends on your liking MMOs and/or Star Trek. Myself, I've never played a MMO before, but I'm a huge ST fan, so I love it. Rain hates MMOs, but likes ST (at least a little) and thinks the game is alright. At least the space combat part is. The ground part sucks. Really.

The game doesn't really start till level 50, when you unlock the ability to start getting the Reputation stuff (Borg shields, weapons, engines, etc.) up until that point its sort of a grind. Ghstops, Archeastor, Rain, CplMac and myself were in a fleet when we first started playing the game, but left because of an asshole. We started the TBG Fleet, April 8th and we're about 7 hours away from having a Tier 3 Starbase. A great accomplishment, IMO.

I readily invite you to join us, we can always use <S>donkeys</S> errrr members. We're semi-allied with a Tier 4 (hopefully soon T5) Fleet called the Shadow Raiders. If you download and go into the game with the mindset that it doesn't *start* till Level 50, you'll be okay. Along with that, most of us are here to help you level up your characters to reach that point much more quickly than you could on your own.