[Squad] Made a tips and tricks thread on reddit here were some contributions


Registered User
Jan 2, 2017

  • You can move a stuck vehicle by having your squad mates go underneath it and try to stand up while the driver goes forward. You need to find the tire that it free spinning and prone underneath it then try to stand up. Think of your player model as providing a friction point for the tire that is off the ground.

  • SL's can place a rally or a fob without having your squad mates within sight, just within distance. Meaning you can place a rally while you're in a building and your squad mate is outside as long as you're close enough

  • Q is default zoom on BTR's and CROW Humvee's

  • As of right now the water mechanics are pretty much broken but its better to have this knowledge out than let a very few know about it. Basically if you're in a river that is deep enough and you go prone and look straight down, you're very unlikely to be shot because only a sliver of your head is above water. (hopefully the devs fix the water physics soon)

  • Creating a fob on your main is very smart in some situations, by doing this you can place down up to 2 or more vehicle repair stations at main and the vehicle repair stations stack, meaning you will repair your vehicles when they roll back to main x2 as fast without much risk of overlapping fobs or having it taken.

  • Mortar techies I believe use the W and S keys when inside the vehicle gunner seat to raise or lower the turret (correct me if I'm wrong)

  • Pro tip call out where you died or think you were shot from and make sure someone is listening when you say it.

  • Look down when you are bandaging, your head wont popup and you will live longer.

  • I don't see many people using that, but you can fake dead. Just look down.

  • When you're inside a Open Top Humvee, You can hide and be protected as a gunner by simply looking up.

  • when throwing a nade don't use the hand as reference point. use the current bearings on your compass. the nade will go directly in this direction. good for long range nades in buildings or windows.
-FOBs can be placed with any ally, not just squad mates.

-Throwing a grenade straight up will make it land slightly in front of you, but it will detonate the moment it hits the ground, due to timing.

-You can block the explosion of a grenade with your body to save teammates. Either by proning or ducking near the grenade.

-individuals inside a crow humvee can be shot into by walking up to the vehicle so your weapon is inside the vehicle. Good to counter-act those camping on hills and you're unable to do anything with if you aren't LAT.

-Currently, the only way to know you actually have supplies in the back of your truck is if they can be physically seen. By hitting F4, or whatever seat is in the back F button, you can quickly move to that spot then back to driver as opposed to exiting vehicle.

As a medic, when you stabilize and "revive" someone, they teleport to their weapon (where they died).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's a healing hit-box where the person died, AND where their body slides/moves to. I believe you can stabilize someone at both locations.

As a non-medic, you can stabilize a downed teammate by left clicking on them with your bandage. You do need a medic to "revive" them though.
Look down when you are bandaging, your head wont popup and you will live longer.
-I do this all the time.. have had bad guys walk right by when bandaging and they assumed I was dead

You can block the explosion of a grenade with your body to save teammates. Either by proning or ducking near the grenade.
- Thats good to know.. going to give that a try