[ST:O] Mac here is the PVP with the JemHadar Dreadnought against Kubla.


Mar 6, 2011
There are many things of note. I am a tac officer so I will always do a little bit more damage than you. With a commander tac boff you will still have almost the same maneuverability as you can still have Omega and we all get Evasive.

If you got this ship you would just use whatever set and weapons your using now. I could have done this with Phaser and the Aegis set but I didn't. The Phased Polaron I am running has both the phaser proc and the polaron energy robbing proc so Kubla at times was in a hurt to do damage or heal. All I am saying is ignore the specifics of this build.

This was the second fight. I ran all energy weapons no torps. 3 DHC's and 1 DBB. The ship has build in subsystem targeting and to take advantage you need to run one beam weapon. Which is a formula i like anyways.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/PViaXFt8Swc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This fight was against the defiant which is one of those ships that can get around you and is hard to fight in a dread. You can see how I counter this using the command Omega ability on my boff, that combined with evasive. I don't use it properly some times as i will use it to back up and keep him in front of me. Omega gives some damage dealing abilities and gets you out of a tractor hold. Its the ability I used in the time ship and you bitched about me not being affected by the tractor

I would recommend the D'kora over this. You lose the 2 hangers which are nice but you gain +2 in turn rate and do get the missile swam ability.

Out of affordability we have been talking about the fleet excelsior. It has a turn rate of 8 and with a Lt Commander it can still run Omega 1. Not sure I would want to waste the Lt Commander ability on maneuverability though. It also can't mount DHC's meaning you would be flying a beam/torp cruiser which is something you don't seem to have a lot of interest in... But it can deal plenty of damage and out maneuver the ship you have should you choose to learn to pilot it.
Or, do what I did.. go buy a Fleet Escort. Specifically, the Fleet Advanced Escort. You keep your cannons & torps. Throw Field generators into the Science Bridge Officer spots, fill the 5 tactical consoles with Phaser Relays. Universal consoles in the Engineering spots then go tear shit up.

For the FAE you'll need 4 Fleet Ship Modules, and 20k Fleet Credit.

Fleet Advanced Escort - Star Trek Online Wiki
Or, do what I did.. go buy a Fleet Escort. Specifically, the Fleet Advanced Escort. You keep your cannons & torps. Throw Field generators into the Science Bridge Officer spots, fill the 5 tactical consoles with Phaser Relays. Universal consoles in the Engineering spots then go tear shit up.

For the FAE you'll need 4 Fleet Ship Modules, and 20k Fleet Credit.

Fleet Advanced Escort - Star Trek Online Wiki

If he is going escort why not the Heavy Escort Carrier - Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier - Star Trek Online Wiki

Sure your option gets a 5th tac console by trading one off engineering. 1 less turn rate but he would gain a hanger wing a little more hull. He also swaps science boff to engineering so better engineering.