Lucio, the Overwatch MVP

With the yoga guy (Zenyatta), it's an autoheal for teammates but only 1 person at a time---whoever has the orb
Mercy has to actively heal and can't attack while doing so, boo that's why I play her so little but I need to "get gud" with her eventually
I don't play Symmetra much because she doesn't heal, but her teleporter can be valuable for the team to get back in the action after dying
Lucio was the first guy I played in beta. He can attack while autohealing teammates in proximity and can push people off of ledges/away from payloads

I haven't mastered his wall-riding ability, but Lucio seems to be the easiest to play out of the support hero's.
When he isn't autohealing he's increasing the movement speed for himself and teammates in proximity.
I also love how Blizzard Ent. is giving capoeira a nod!
Symmetra is awesome. Turrets are strong and her charged blast travels through shields, aka pwn reindhert