Learn from my mistakes.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2013
So there I was, Pristine M4 with Pristine Acog, Pristine Suppressor, 5 60 round double clips, 11 assorted 20-30 round clips ( no ammo box) 357, medic bag, rags, food, fireaxe, can opener etc...

I was loaded for WW3 and 4.

I said all cocky, I am gonna go to the airfield alone because I have more ammunition then the Terminator.

Brown told me " Don't you'll die "

I did not listen I spotted someone looting the place, went after him, and then quickly found out he had friends, and they had a shoot first ask questions later policy.

So for the next 2 hours I scrambled to get back to some level of gearing.
Well crap, the first mistake was the clips. You have to sort those clips into magazines for them to be any use. M4 doesn't go "PING!" when empty. Round up some magazines and hit the airfield again. Good luck!