Kicked but not Banned (Titan Camping?)

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Registered User
Apr 14, 2009
Hello all --

A couple of questions that just aren't clear quite yet. I was playing on a titan server last night and got kicked by roth140. My PB message said something about camping the titan. That is what my question is regarding. I have no issue for getting happens sometimes. I just want to learn exactly why and how to avoid in the future. I do not think I am banned at this time, just kicked for the night....hopefully.


Shuhia Taiba flying gunship.

I left our titan with the 2nd gunship and headed towards the other side of the map by Silo 5. I noticed that our other gunship was in the area and was spinning like it was engaged with the enemy gunship. Once I got to that side, which was bascially at the enemy titan, I see the enemy gunship (roth140 was flying) engaged with our other gunship. I ended up shooting roth140 down...this time. I immediately get kicked for camping.

So is camping considered engaging anything within the enemy titan area? I was always under the impression that camping was when we sat there with our gunship at the enemy titan just waiting for the transport or gunship to leave and immediately shooting them down. Now I can't vouch for what our other gunship was doing over there...I just came to assist.

I just want clarification why so I don't do it again. Getting kicked/banned is not something I care have happen on a regular basis.

Thanks for your time.

the best thing you can do is just dont go near the enemy titan. the whole circling thing was me cleaning up the back of my titan. I watched a doragon on my vehicle scanner/uav. it sat under my titan for a while while i took out the AA and an air trans.

the doragon had been spotted under my titan a lot during that point of the round. just to clear the problem up i took a death to see who it was, and kicked.

sorry if you got kicked for someone elses camping and no hard feelings i hope. just dont find yourself near enemy titans.
i agree with chasing being ok but once they reach shields disengage.

in this case there was no chase. i was solo tv'ing the back of my titan for a while. i hadnt left the area.
Chases are OK.

I would venture to say that even occasionally shooting down an enemy gunship, when you know for sure (Through team or VOIP chat) that he's camping the titan in the back with a high-speed pass is OK.

What is NOT ok is doing constant (and high-altitude) passes on the enemy titan, beyond the last silo, and ESPECALLY waiting just outside the shield of the titan, especially in the back of the titan.

However, in both instances, if the enemy gunship successfully makes it inside the shields, you should leave immediately.
Now roth launching TV's off his titan would piss me off so I would go after him xD
Roger that....I had a feeling you were making an attempt to kick the other gunship pilot and I lost due to me being the one to take you out. It happens. I will just avoid the titan area for the most part and play it safe. I greatly enjoy playing on your servers. Nice to be able to find servers that generally are admin'd and under control as well as a clan that has a good sense of humor most days. :)
I love when you get in the sheilds.... you're waiting there repairing. You figure the gunship is gone by now - you've been in the sheild long enough. Not to mention there wasn't even a dog-fight with this gunship before you went for repairs - but you did notice him on the scanner behind you as you went into the titan. You pop out and look left and right - just to be sure and there that fucker is - hovering next to your titan waiting for you to come out. I used to not kick for that - but will most def be doing so without a second thought from now on.
Roth, if you are hovering and soloTV'ing the back deck of your titan, aren't you fair game then ? The enemy GS going after you is not camping departing gunships then ?

Am I mistaken ?
I mean - there are certain situations. Where I may go get a gunship because the enemy gunship is camping their titan. I consider that a fly by. I take out the enemy gunship allowing for infantry to infiltrate the enemy titan. Sometimes - but not very often I have to engage another gunship or transport around their titan. This is acceptable... You can't always just run away!
I hate when they hover and wait for you to leave the titan

That is when I jump out of the gunship and go pod on top of the camper. :)
Camping the enemy titan rule implies ONLY when your gunship SPAWNS and your taking off.

Chasing a gunship back to their titan isn't against the rules, attacking a gunship while they are getting ammo isn't against the rules and defending your own titan with gunship does not mean the enemy gunship can't attack you because it certainly can.
Not to forget camping your own titan with gunship is allowed. Lots of people dont read or dont care and like to call that camping. Its called defending.

Hopefully i have answered all your questions. I don't like seeing the ban threads prolong itself unnecessarily so i am going to lock the thread.
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