kicked becuase admin wanted to fly alone

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Registered User
Nov 7, 2008
ok so i join the the tbg server i notice a guy waitting for the gunship i wait for him to jump in then i get in seconds later he sends the message "out out" i didnt do it cause i far as i know i didnt get in the line there was no one else but him waitting i waitted for him to get in the gunship first i was the gunner i wasnt the pilot next thing i know he types "kick .47 room" and kicks me out the server it wasnt even full he just wanted to fly alone which is not fair, there is a rule about waitting in line i know, but there is no rule about letting admins fly alone or be kicked, come on w8liftn got reset for that.. anyways the admin was "holla4adolla" now if there is a rule about not getting inside a gunship when admins pilot then let me know.
Thank you for posting rob0t. We will take care of this.
Hey robot how ya doing? On half of TBG we apolagize for you having to experience this. We will take care of this. Have a good day bro. Peace.
Flying alone is ok sometimes. Instead of a noob giving away your position with the machine gun - I would take the risk of not having the back up. I'm sorry you had to experience that. Usually - if I say "i need a ride" and they dont come back... then they want to fly alone. Pisses me off sometimes.
There's a difference between wanting to solo and kicking someone so you can solo. This is unacceptable and will be dealt with swiftly.
Some gunship pilots such as myself prefer 100% to fly alone, because we operate both positions. Having you in the gunship gunner position seriously cramps our style. If someone gets in the gunship with me, if I'm in a good mood, I'll park it, and just go get a second gunship... if I'm in a bad mood, I'll face plant the gunshp into the ground and jump out at the last second to send a clear message to him, stay out of my gunship... get your own, one will pop up right behind me 10 seconds later...

But then, gunships on my server respawn in spades... and I pay $30 a month for it just so I won't have to wait and share a gunship on a server that has only 2 gunships everyone fights over. All those noobz that would steal the gunship from me before, can now fly all they want and be targets in the air.
I've had that happen before was some time ago. Was waiting in line same as the guy before me, yet I get kicked. Two seaters are meant for two people. So unless a rule was in place kicking or killing someone to fly along is just bad manners.
I love to gun, so solo pilots make me sad.
Solo pilots love to solo, so gunners make them sad.

The second a pilot asks me to "get out" you can bet I'm outta there....server rule or not, and yes, I'm thinking that pilot is selfish, or else a noob who is going to do something stupid and was nice enough to tell me to get out, or they have a gunner of their choice, which if fine too.

Good solo pilots "lose kills to gunners" -- that's why they don't want a good gunner--of course, they don't want a bad gunner either, giving away location and such.

Gunners want decent pilots too. Even at TBG I've gunned for a couple of pilots who stop flying and tell me to shoot an individual foot soldier "See him right there?" -- we die while APCs, tanks, and everything else rolls along the battlefield! I expected more from a gunship clan, but I guess there are all levels of learning at TBG. Everyone can't be a fast-falcon. I'm thinking those dead pilots think I'm a bad gunner, when it's their piloting skills at fault! Duh!

Two of my favorite pilots don't use voice communication at all. We spot, have rhythm and type notes. I've learned their flying style. We NEVER stop moving, mopping up the that's efficient and fun!

i like "no rules" servers. There are always idiots and at least on a no rules server, there is no complaining. Clans run the place however they like: good or bad. Clans usually have rules that protect the main members of that's simple as that.

Holla4adolla is not on the TBG membership list. ?
Holla is not even TBG, Soulzz take care or his admin rights as this dude gives a bad name to TBG.
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