infinity ward have a job for you:D

Hahahaha!!!! That is too funny, and a bit sad.

My biggest gripe about the whole controversy surrounding IW is that most people seem to blame them for the decision to omit dedicated servers. It was clearly a move brought on by Activision. I hear "Eff Infinity Ward" all the time, when all the informed gamers know that it is Activision and their maniacal CEO to blame.
Hahahaha!!!! That is too funny, and a bit sad.

My biggest gripe about the whole controversy surrounding IW is that most people seem to blame them for the decision to omit dedicated servers. It was clearly a move brought on by Activision. I hear "Eff Infinity Ward" all the time, when all the informed gamers know that it is Activision and their maniacal CEO to blame.

yep. fuck bobby kotick. fucking money grubbing whore. then again IW didnt seem to fight it to much. maybe they went along with it because they were hoping it would ruin the series and they would have a better chance with Respawn entertainment.