I hope my pilot looks like enough of a douche, cause I am gonna destroy this game.


Mar 6, 2011
ExeFile 2013-07-12 05-07-20-24.jpg
God help these morons if I ever figure this game out. I will give CCP's Economist a run for his money.

Really kinda mad I have to wear pants.
star trek?

I already made my point in star trek. I damaged a commodity market for damn near a month. The only reason it recovered was the games expansion screwed the market up allowing for all segments to recover.

This however will require enslaving a small country to sit behind computers.
You are a mean, vengeful man. Your services could be used in politics, but that would require a total lack of ethics. Are you ready to go down that path, Rain? Also, your character looks sufficiently douche-y.
You are a mean, vengeful man. Your services could be used in politics, but that would require a total lack of ethics. Are you ready to go down that path, Rain?

All I am saying is we just need to take over a small country like I dunno India or maybe China and use their population to make this game so unplayable that they either have to change it or admit defeat. They have an economist on staff to make sure the games currency doesn't become overly abundant and that the world continues to turn. I wonder if he ever met anyone who thinks existing everything he was taught was a lie.

I was looking at this guy about 3 seconds before the cluster went down:
ExeFile 2013-07-12 07-00-10-32.jpg

I like the comment "Took me 7 days to beat your game". Apparently this old guy is a master of many MMO games.

Well anyways once the cluster is back up I can go back into daylight. I turned the safety off and shot at a police ship just to see what would happen lol.

My whole thing is this game is stupid. If you think this game is cool then you probably think your house getting blown up while your not there is cool because its insured and you weren't there. Wasted time means nothing to these people. Sentimental shit like photographs shouldn't matter either.
Eve Online is actually a pretty bad ass game, for those willing to commit the time. It has a pretty harsh learning curve and yes, the game does not stop when you log off (so if you don't dock your ship it can be found and destroyed).

The PvP in this game is nasty. It is pretty much anything goes. Same with the economy. They let scammers and botters run wild (intentionally). Go to a major space hub and chat will be filled with scammers and beggars. Some of them even post a running tally of how much isk they have scammed off people (in their info section).
Nothing 50,000 minimum wage workers can't fix! I didn't realize this games active player base was this small. Its about the same as ST:O I was expecting the logged in user count to be at least more than the XDA Developers website.
Eve Online is actually a pretty bad ass game, for those willing to commit the time. It has a pretty harsh learning curve and yes, the game does not stop when you log off (so if you don't dock your ship it can be found and destroyed).

The PvP in this game is nasty. It is pretty much anything goes. Same with the economy. They let scammers and botters run wild (intentionally). Go to a major space hub and chat will be filled with scammers and beggars. Some of them even post a running tally of how much isk they have scammed off people (in their info section).

big learning curve , this is what happens in eve to noobish players


The Revenant ship destroyed was worth about 9k US dollars , Never has a ship worth that much has ever been destroyed in the game till now , plus other super class ships. all brought down by 1 spy leading the whole fleet to an ambush

This is the rage in that followed , LMFAO !

big learning curve , this is what happens in eve to noobish players

Already know about that since well obviously it was posted by heatsurge hours ago. I literally signed up today just because of it. That is not the noob mistake of 1 person. Its the noob mistake of many. It also took calculation. Anyone who has ever heard of eve knows exactly what happens to a noob player.

Besides 9 grand is small scale considering 50 grand worth of ISK was scammed directly from users pockets in a Ponzi scheme. No battle needed. I am not worried about ruining the lives of the facebook generation members. Lets talk about CCP :p

Im telling you I could talk someone into wasting thousands of hours of their life in this game to lose the outcome but they wouldn't let me destroy their car for the same amount of time/money. I mean both products of that time are insured for some of the value right? I think its stupid.
Already know about that since well obviously it was posted by heatsurge hours ago. That is not the noob mistake of 1 person. Its the noob mistake of many. It also took calculation. Anyone who has ever heard of eve knows exactly what happens to a noob player.

Besides 9 grand is small scale considering 50 grand worth of ISK was scammed directly from users pockets in a Ponzi scheme. No battle needed. I am not worried about ruining the lives of the facebook generation members. Lets talk about CCP :p

Im telling you I could talk someone into wasting thousands of hours of their life in this game to lose the outcome but they wouldn't let me destroy their care for the same amount of time/money. I mean both products of that time are insured for some of the value right? I think its stupid.

ya, Funny shit tho. Click that link I posted and listen to the rage , Goooood shit man.
OMFG so guy posts in local chat "What should I do for the 7 hours I am waiting for my skill to upgrade" ... I dunno how about go sleep?

ya, Funny shit tho. Click that link I posted and listen to the rage , Goooood shit man.

Me Kubla Arch and Ghstops already listened to it yesterday lol.
Interesting game so far. But seems like its a dead end at the same time. Grinding to get started reminds me alot of runescape. Running back and forth to market and station to drop off loads. Think I will stick to ST:O until Star Citizen come out. But hey don't have 3 machines for no reason. Will continue to play it on the side see if I get any good at it.
Yea, sorry, I'm not going to play this one. I grind enough in ST:O, I don't need some twat waffle destroying and then taking all my shit... if I wanted that I'd get a dog... or get married.
Yea, sorry, I'm not going to play this one. I grind enough in ST:O, I don't need some twat waffle destroying and then taking all my shit... if I wanted that I'd get a dog... or get married.

LOL. I just had my first trip through lowsec to go retrieve something I bought like a noob on the wrong station. There was a couple people waiting by the gate but they must have been masturbating to the video of that ship being destroyed. For the record the item was worth about 5 minutes of my time and wasn't worth retrieving. Decided to have a go at it though.
Rain, I'm just glad your skillset isn't going to waste. ;)
I might have to join you Rain I've been wanting to try eve out.
I especially like that it takes them 12 minutes of raging to figure out that it might have been a spy who baited them all in.