Help rate my pc build


Jun 25, 2017
Hi all,

I don't really keep up with gaming PC specs like allot of you. I wanted to throw my build out there and tell me honestly what you think and if I should change anything.

I have an Intel i7-4820k 3.7 GHz
16 GB Ram (highest speed my motherboard will take)
NVIDIA GTX 980 TI 6144 MB GDDR 5 (also the one with the best GPU, you know where you pay a little more for that model)
Dell S2740L 27 inch monitor
Samsung SSD 850 EVO, 3 drives all the same model totaling 2.5 TB

It seems fast to me but probably not bleeding edge.

I7-4820k - Will work ok for now (im running 3770k still)
Ram - ok
gxt 980 - will work for now
Monitor - its a ips 27 inch 60hz 7ms refresh.. personal preference is a higher frame and refresh rate monitor.. ips is nice if you are viewing at off angles
Samsung SSDs - nothing to say here.. good to go

It all depends on if you are happy with the performance of the games you are playing. The only thing I have done with my system that I put together in 2013 is I went from a GTX 770 to a GTX 1080 and replaced a 24 inch samsung 60hz 2ms refresh monitor with an Alienware 240hz 1ms refresh monitor. Happy for the moment.. I would be nice to put a new system together... but I am getting cheap in my old age.

if you are happy with the way its running stay with it....i see no reason to upgrade anything at this point unless you have programs you cant run with the current hardware....if you are CPU bound over clock that puppy as it will see 5ghz like most of the 4 series K CPU's.....the GPU is getting a little old BUT its a high monster that should have no problem running things for a couple of more years IF YOU stay with a 1080p for the memory make sure you are running at least 2 sticks for dual channel....your motherboard has to have a 4 channel controller by the CPU you listed but you dont need more then 2 channels operating for long as its 2x8gb or 4x4gb sticks you should be fine on the memory....(4 stick would only really be needed if you are doing video editing or auto cad work BUT you need 2 channel going at the min for gaming) make sure you are not running a single stick of 16gb.....last thing is the OS.....if you are on 7 or 8 really look in to 10....10 got me a extra 15 to 20 frames a second in most games WITHOUT upgrading any hardware....if you need 7 or 8 for things other then gaming remember you can dual boot or spend a extra 50 bucks on a 250gb SSD drive just for the new install of 10 keeping your old install intact as it is now....FYI your current windows COA for 7 or 8 will still get you a FREE copy of 10 as long as you do a fresh install of 10....when the 10 install asks for a COA give it your current one and move on with the install....i just used a 7 COA off a dead laptop to get a copy of 10 on a new customer build, so i know they have not stopped the old COA's from working with 10
Hi all,

I don't really keep up with gaming PC specs like allot of you. I wanted to throw my build out there and tell me honestly what you think and if I should change anything.

I have an Intel i7-4820k 3.7 GHz
16 GB Ram (highest speed my motherboard will take)
NVIDIA GTX 980 TI 6144 MB GDDR 5 (also the one with the best GPU, you know where you pay a little more for that model)
Dell S2740L 27 inch monitor
Samsung SSD 850 EVO, 3 drives all the same model totaling 2.5 TB

It seems fast to me but probably not bleeding edge.


What kind of CPU cooler do you have? I'd suggest getting a AIO Liquid cooler if you don't have one already. You'd be able to o.c. that chip and get a little more performance out of it and it would do a much better job at cooling compaired to a heatsink and fan cooler. I'd also suggest upgrading your monitor to either a 120-144Hz monitor with LOW response times. I consider low to be anything below 5MS. Not only would you get a better picture quality, but you'd also increase your fps
If it works as said above fuck it, it's good. Everything seems fine really. If you don't care too much about having cutting edge graphics you're good. But if you would want to get a new gpu, it's worth it to do a new build. With the 1070 SC I have, when my old setup mobo shit out I had to do all new brand new and I seen a good fps increase given the bottleneck my 4790k had though I had it oc out the ass. I now have a 8700k oc to 5ghz and see a good 10+ fps increase even when running a 3440x1440 resolution. If you're happy with what ya got and don't have a good 600$ to get all brand new, wouldn't worry about it. I didn't want to upgrade because I was happy, was forced to but not disappointed about it.
MY alienware is 6 yrs old. 6-7 core 3.4 mhz processors and it runs awesome. All I've done is upgrade from dual 660ti to a 1070 ti, and the HDD to a ssd. I'm getting around 70 to 90 fps on squad. Don't see any reason to upgrade anything but the GPU.
The next upgrade I would consider if I had your spec's would be a monitor. I'll never go back to 60hz again.. ever.. ever.. never...or ever... again. Get something that can handle 2k resolution's also.
It's been ordered! Should have it in a few days! Gsync and 144hz with 1ms refresh rate! 27inch to replace my aging Asus 27, only 60 Hz....
The next upgrade I would consider if I had your spec's would be a monitor. I'll never go back to 60hz again.. ever.. ever.. never...or ever... again. Get something that can handle 2k resolution's also.

I'm hunting for a 120hz monitor 27-32 inch currently so i can better see that fucking tow missile from yur boat on BF4. Damn it the hell!!!!:p
This is wide, 34" curved at 100mhz with 4ms response. I really can't tell a huge difference between response times so not a deal breaker to me though the refresh rate you can obviously tell.
i like ultra wide but until all games support it without doing file mods its just not worth it right now....i returned a 34 inch ultrawide and when to a 32 inch 16x9 would be nice if every game came with 21x9 options
I haven't found a big problem with it yet. Or maybe I just don't play games that happen to not support it so don't notice.
That's a nice setup. The new monitor came yesterday and the difference is indescribable! My fps is steady around 80 but then I realized it was at 60hz still so next time I play I'll see a difference hopefully
It's a monitor, by samsung. to be precise. I was weary on going wide but since I did it's been great. But running some games on my 1070 to this resolution really don't reach full potential. I need a new card to get the frames since no matter what I play maxed. But since i'm remodeling the house, need to make the woman somewhat happy and spend money on that than new pc parts.