Hello All


Registered User
Apr 13, 2013
Hello Guys,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a new recruit NS2 player from the great white north.

One of the first servers I joined to play after learning the ropes was your former Vancouver server. Had a hell of a time playing with Matthew, Sword, Chickenbomb, and Cotton, and I've been hooked ever since.

Thanks for hosting some great servers, and I look forward to playing with you all in the future.

Also, if anyone is interested in learning NS2 let me know, I can setup a training server and walk you through everything you need to know in a one on one environment. We can then hop in a live server and I can help you there as well.
Hey Scout. Welcome and good luck on your trial period. I don't play NS2, but there are many that do. What other games do you play?
You asshole you forgot the Emperor LittleM@n :p lol good to see you on here Scout,good luck :)
Right now as far as multiplayer games go i'm mostly NS2, though after watching tcreno's montage video I might give BF3 a go this weekend (used to be a big BF BC2 player).

I haven't seen you around ELM, you still playing NS2, or have you moved to other games?
i been on battlefield more,only because everyone else stopped playing ns2,i would play though if more members played lol