GDCdeathtouch new recruit


Registered User
Jul 10, 2010
Hey TBG! I'm GDCDeathTouch (steve) applying for membership. Thought I would say a little about my self.
I have been gamming for a long time. Mostly FPS on PC. I think my first online FPS game was Rogue Spear.
I still like that game. Had a lot of good maps and weapon add-ons. Was really heavy into Medal of Honor Allied
Assault and did the whole online competition thing. My old firend Rodomus and I were once ranked #2 for a few
weeks in the 2 on 2 TDM ladder. I have played all the BF series (except BC). Was ranked #6 in BF2142 with tank
until they stopped tracking when the game got old. Now just mostly play BF3 or as I like to call it "pilots paridise".
Also game a little on PS3, mostly GT5 and some times will have some friends over and RockBand all night.
My dad and i have a few collector cars. Here is a link if you are interested.

If you are asked for a password: gofast

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thought the name was familiar. Probably shot me down a few times when i was in a gunship. Welcome and see you on TS.