Fucked up round :)


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
I went on an 800 ticket BC2 Vietnam map and had an insane score for one round. No weapon medals, just kills, achievements etc.

Dude..... we need all of us to jump on there as a squad and start raping
Ya but were you rapping there base because you had all the other flags ? I do like to see a score like that, but I think, specialy on hasting, when your team got no more flag, it is base rapping time. so 800 tickets of baserapping time, I'm not sure that would a be fantastic. Or spic and span. Im not jealous by your score, Im just saying I don't think it could a be a good idea to put our servers up to 800 tickets.
who said we are doing 800? He just said he went to a 800 tick server.
Three wasn't a base rape, surprisingly. It went back and forth quite a bit, only 22 players on the server while I was in and both sides lost all flags a couple of times and did a good job of taking them back. The round took like 40 minutes cause the server wasn't full. It was just fun as shit to kill that many in one round. On the down side, after a half hour the whole map was destroyed and most of the other team started sniping so I pulled out my sniper rifle and got 21 kills with it in the last 10 minutes of the round. It was a blast to play.
who said we are doing 800? He just said he went to a 800 tick server.
I know Fast, I just wanted to make a point so the people wouldn't get exciting and would like our servers to changes...
Don't get high, drink an herbal tea, and take it easy, we just discuss. haha;B
Pilot had asked what the kill count total was. For those that can't see it too well due to the size restrictions, it was 92 kills, 52 deaths, with 5 of those being team kills. Anyway, it was a fun round for sure.
Same thing happened on our server the other day when it first got up and running. It was 9 vs 9 most of the round and I had 74 kills. Most were on the ground and not the tank btw! I kept taking bases and placing 2 mines at each entry point. This little bell was constantly going off for kills!
We played on a 1000 ticket server last night and Pilot busted the century mark for kills in a round as infantry right before his game crashed. My game crashed around 66 kills, much less impressive! BTW, nice job, pilot. I didn't have a screen shot of his total score, obviously, but this is what it was when his game froze/crashed.



  • pilotcentury.jpg
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I have to say I impressed since most of them were on the ground. Nice job Pilot! I had 67 kills before my game went down and another 20 after coming back. Although most of that was in the tank of course.
m40 with stock scope drops the nubs rather quickly. i just wish a didn't crash with 19ticks left in the game
who said we are doing 800? He just said he went to a 800 tick server.

Might just be my old dinosaur computer but the new Karkand BF2 server is VERY erratic, I often lose connection without any warning, other servers, no problems though....the older box was MUCH smoother. Whats up with that?