For you seafood lovers.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2009
Hey i found a pretty good website for ordering seafood. I figured i would test it out before sharing it with you guys and all the stuff i have gotten so far has been extremely good. Shipping costs are a bit high but thats expected because they have to get it to you while its still fresh. If you sign up for a membership you get all kinds of discounts and better yet membership is free. Oh and if you have a membership and add some stuff to your shopping cart then abandon it they will email you a coupon, varys in value but still nice.
Anyway heres the site.
they are out of california btw.
very funny falcon but i dont have the cash to buy a boat.
Yeah, that used to work when I lived on the coast. However, Atlanta's seafood sucks ass. It all tastes stale and old. What I'd give for fresh seafood here you would not believe.
I would be extremely leery of ordering seafood from the internet. I was a fishmonger for two years and can attest that even the finest seafood markets have a pretty long wait from boat to plate. If they say it's fresh and you're buying it online be afraid, it's been out of the water and unfrozen for at least a week probably more, that ain't good. If it's been previously frozen then it's probably ok, but then you're eating frozen fish lol. Best bet is talk to a few local restaurants and ask where they buy their fish.

Oh and Fritoz, just go to Grossman's in Groton. I worked there for two years, good place.
Yea i was leery of ordering online but everything i have gotten has tasted great.
Ill give Grossman's a try.