[Squad] FOB Entrance Tactic


Registered User
Jan 4, 2017
Squad  2_24_2017 10_00_50 PM.png Squad  2_24_2017 10_00_56 PM.png Came up with this entrance tactic the other day. We locked own the rest of the compound so the enemy could not peak or enter without deconstructing a defense. The only other way in was through this main entrance. In order to do so, you have to go prone and crawl under the sandbags.

I constructed two pill sand bag walls in a row and then the third is a standard sandbag wall. This has an added advantage though. Not only do you have to crawl under two sets of sandbags, but after the second one, you have to turn to the left and continue to crawl before you can go to the crouch or standing position. Makes it so someone can cover the entrance and take out any enemies trying to crawl through.
