[DAYZ] First 10 minutes of gametime...


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
Well, my first experience with DayZ was an interesting one.

So I spawn in, set up my key bindings and start searching for the necessities. The second building I walk into, two survivors come in and greet me with, "It's a black guy, let's kill him!" They start beating the shit out of me...I manage to gain some distance, and turn a corner......right into a zombie, I change directions to meet my two assailants who insist on beating me to death.....I get knocked out. When I come to, the zombie is dead and the two guys are still there and knock me out again as soon as I stand up. They taunt me with some racial slurs while I am knocked out. When I come to, they took my shoes, pants, and shirt........they apologize and say they were just fucking with me...I take a deep breath to calm the frustrations and continue on. A block away I try to continue my search for supplies on another street. That was short lived...My two new friends came inside and beat me to death...

good times
yea...gotta take it with a grain of salt until we get the technology where we can email ass woopins to assclowns
Nice. My first 10 Minutes of our Day Z Arma 2 server went like this.

Spawn, Run through woods, find tanker half full of gas, drive to airport, lose a wheel after running into a runway light.... Always have awesome luck and then back luck one after the other lol. Find a Limo, fall out of chopper to death, find body, server restart.

Can't wait until Standalone is finished.
i got killed last night in a spot that i had no chance of getting back to in 10 min. so much for my geared out toon, black guys squad anyone?
I remeber my first time playing DayZ. I was geared up with some basics...and leaving a building I just looted...Unlucky for me it turned out to be the PowerPlant/Fire Station in Electro... I hear a group of people yelling and see some relative bambis getting chased around the area. No one has seen me yet so I stay put, most of them head into or around the fire station after the bambis. So i think the coast is clear and since i didnt know any other ways out, i ran out the front gate.. X_X (I know better now..) Next thing I know I hear "PURPLE BACKPACK" screamed over game chat.....I didnt know about running with your fists up and they eventually caught me and I got killed.

And that was my first DayZ experience.
Well, I made another survivor, and he seems to be having better luck. Found a can opener and some food/liquids like within first 20minutes...if it wasnt for those damn zombies, I would have an easier time getting goodies...but I guess my crowbar will have to work for now! (speaking of crowbars, anyone else getting a sound glitch inside a buildinig while swinging the crowbar?)
Bullet ricochet for the crowbar? yup. With the zombies you can run them through buildings and around them and they tend to get lost or lose interest but sometimes they don't give up.
It can take you a dozen survivors or more until you get geared up or just one. It all depends on how populated the server is when the last reset was or just how lucky you can get.
My first 10 minutes went like this:

meet up with seed and grape:

kill two dudes with an Axe and steal all of their shit.

get shot in the face by our own guys.. lol..
the bullet sounds with your melee weapon are nice, actually. saw a couple of bambies heading towards a building I was headed to loot, started punching the wall and they thought someone was shooting at em and ran off.