Ello :D


Registered User
Apr 29, 2011
Hey guys!

My name's Ricky (Sneakeh2k11 IGN) I'm 18 Years Old from Bradford, UK. Not much i can say about myself except from the fact that i LOVE designing + coding websites and playing FPS games such as BF2, R6V2 MOH:SH and CSS. I'm not the best player in BF2, nor am i the worst - despite the fact i feel like i am sometimes :p, but i do try my best all the time and just wanting to get better at the game. I also like watching + playing (rarely) football and table tennis. I also enjoy watching snooker on TV when i have nothing else to do :p Most of the time, i'm just playing BF2 or other games on the PC so i don't really have time for other things. The only real clan i've been in for BF2 (since it was our 2nd game aside Medal of Honor Spearhead) is =167=. We didn't last very long due to the fact it was a medium sized clan trying to work out for both games and it didn't work. Unfortunately, =167= departed both BF2 and Medal of Honor Spearhead last summer, meaning i was clanless in BF2 and Spearhead for about 7 months. I eventually reinstalled Spearhead and the community seemed even worse than before i quit so clanning didn't come as naturally as it once did. =167= are planning on reforming for BF3 so it's very exciting that i can be a part of that clan again if i wish, but for now, i'm looking to be a part of TBG - one of the best and most friendly clans i have ever set eyes on in BF2.

And that's basically me lol.

Thanks and hope you enjoyed reading my lame life story :D

Thanks for the kind words and welcome to the website. I love playing snooker, but in America it is tough to find anyplace with a table anymore. Their too interested in 8-ball and 9-ball. Were all hoping for good things with BF3. I hope Dice will actually heed the advice and opinions of all the PC gamers. Good luck on your trial and hop on vent to get to know everyone. You are voted in by the other members so meet as many as you can. Good luck.
Thanks :D Glad you took the wasted 10 minutes of your life to read my boring post :p Thanks for the reply :D
Nice to meet ya. Are you talking about football or futbol?
got any examples of websites you designed?