"Don't be a D!ck" campaign: L.o.L.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2013

Making the internet a friendlier place for League of Legends may be Riot's most ambitious project for the week, but it's not the only thing the studio is getting up to. It's also announced that it will award a "classic Mystery Gift" to anyone who managed to get through 2014 without being a jerk.

Did you manage to get through all of last year without a chat restriction, ranked restriction, 14-day ban, or permanent ban? Then you, my friend, are eligible for the reward. "Don't be a dick" is a pretty low bar as these things go, but luckily it's not an indication that League of Legends is some festering hate-pit of inhumanity: In fact, as of November 2014, 95 percent of players had never been punished for any sort of bad behavior.

There is one other catch however: You'll have to be level five or higher, and there must be a minimum of ten skins you don't own. If that's you, then you're in—and if you're not in, maybe you should think about making some new resolutions for 2015.
Bungie, how is that possible? And if i did play, I woulda missed out lol