DayZ standalone server


Registered User
Nov 22, 2013
with the realese of the new patch today the dayz standalone server needs to be updated. Can a server admin please take care of this?
I am not up on everything but traditionally Grape is the only server manager for that. It's not that the rest of us can't get involved its just more to the end that we don't play the game and are not familiar. That might change at some other point especially with the potential success. But unless I am wrong I have to imagine waiting on grape.
Hello AnalGrape,

In a few minutes there will be an updated released for Standalone servers.

During the rollout of the update all servers will but shutdown. When you see your server shutdown please do not turn it back on again.

This period will last between 15 and 30 minutes.

During this time we will roll staggered updates to one region at a time. After we have finished the process we will start all servers.

We appreciate your patients during this update.

Best regards,

Vilayer Support
I would imagine this server is temporary. Provider sucks and their updates are not automated. Sadly only a couple providers host this game but more coming ina couple months. Our bf4 provider soon to be one of them.
Hey Guys!!

Off Topic..The B2K server crashes all the time, 3-4 times a day( when its full). It can last a couple of rounds(6-7)perfectly, than it gets laggy, and booom,kicks everyone out. This happens all the time. Its not hard to populate it, Its a very popular server, but its the crashes that turn people away. We would at least have 32 people playing at any given time.

Can something be done about this? I reported it once, but it was at a time when there was a hacking problem with BF3, but that was a while a go.

It would break my heart to see the B2K server RIP like Metro. But like Ive mention, its the crashes that are keeping people away.

Thanks!!!! I apologize for being Off Topic.
Ddos occurring in our location cause all servers to have connection issues not just bf3. That's out of our hands, sorry.

You can thank this punk
You could easily created a new thread ;)

Understood! Thought it could have been a corrupt file and that BF3 could be re-installed or something. Thanks for your response, yea, I could have done a new thread, but since I found you and Rain here, thought I give it s shot ..:p
Server is active again Thanks to ViLayer for restarting the server like they said they would, NOT !!! Sorry for there stupidity you can now go get your daily dose of Zombie killing and survivor maiming..