cFa platoon killing servers

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Registered User
Mar 12, 2017
Hello, i would like to report this "platoon" to watch out for, cFa
they are streamers that kill every server they get onto. Being good in the jet or armor is alright, but I am sure no one likes it when they are all stacked on one side and ALWAYS kill the entire server. "Faming" is childish and accomplished only by team stacking 2 very skilled jets and other vehicles. Not once have I seen them be good sportsman (like me and my team) by switching to the losing side to help not kill the server and make for a more balanced team game. But no only "farming" is on their agenda and I have personally seen them kill multiple server then move to other ones because the server literally dies. Looking at any of the servers they have played on the evidence will speak for itself. I spectated them for a few games and it was disgusting. Not to mention all racist and by far the most toxic platoon of players in all my years of playing BF. Looking at their names history reveals how racist they are as well. I don't sit around recording them, but looking at how many players leave the server when it gets killed from team stacking is evidence as the pattern always repeats itself. Only care about stats nothing more, and they get away will emptying servers by repeatedly team stacking and toxic chat spamming.
@Gojoz Usually TBG all maps, or TBG 2nd Assault maps. I love playing on TBG servers so me and my mates populate them regularly. There are many many long time players that play on TBG servers have noticed this as well.
These are the worst offenders:

Look at those unreasonable K/D ratios. So sad that fact of the matter is they ALWAYS entering a server with 2 skilled jets to clear the sky to protect the try hard in the heli with 200,000 kills or something ridiculous only reason is because of team stacking EVERY SINGLE TIME in pubs LMAO when is this going to stop especially on the few decent TBG servers that are left in BF4. Please look into these team stacking clowns in pubs it is out of control trashing the server every time they come around never switching to losing team always team stack to server to death.
It's part of the game and we aren't going to regulate our servers based on another good group of players on them. Find a way to counter them, get a squad of buddies to counter them, or take the losses.

We don't run servers to make them balanced against a skilled team/group, we are here to run competitive servers.

Provide evidence they are violating server rules or move on.
Oh wow, I didn't think killing servers by team stacking was perfectly ok. I understand.

Also by the way individually they are not a threat at all, it is not that they are too skilled, it is just that they STACK, that was my point.

But I digress. It is more than allowed and almost encouraged from my understanding loud & clear lol.
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