BF4 Metro DLC footage. Looks sweet!

Really good walk through, I just wish LC would shut his cockholster for 5 seconds. Everytime he opens it DICE's cock slides in. New Metro looks awesome though, really can't wait for this.
Nice! Lots of versatility in Metro, But still a huge meat grinder, I like it! But even more excited about OMan.

Something that I will point out in the video from Metro is that they smartly didnt show the Conquest mode full of people. Why? The Xbox One version runs at 720p vs 900p on the PS4. All those Xbox One players are going to have the HUD blind the shit out em when the server is full, packed with 64 players at that resolution.


Sadly I Still play on a 26' Tv @1366x768 and its what i have to deal with everyday, until I upgrade next Month.