BF4 Lockers server at time of report

Clean on PBBans. That G36 is quite an outlier. Anyone else have an opinion?

well, no dmg mod, low HK%, may be trying to be half ass smart about his aimbot and has it set to body/limbs. This could be a second account for someone who is skilled. But I am calling bullshit, because how do you maintain a <10% HSKR with weapons unless you shoot from the hip. but if you are shooting from the hip, how is your ACC that high? Id like a couple more # crunchers to input... ( @sixer9682 , @Iguanidon , @ChuckTheHammer
ace 52 and acwr are both very high vertical recoil weapons... to not get headshots means they would be microbursting their shots with the first shot being in the knees and the 3 /4 being in the upper Ace 52, 1st shot in the chest 2nd one is in the head. The muzzle break doesn't do much to calm that down anymore.

G36 has almost no vertical recoil but pretty high side to side. IMO the G36 would be most likely to have a high accuracy out of the carbines with a low hskr. High being 22 -25 %