[BF4] BF3 maps server.

It was removed by popular demand last year. People were saying that it was disrupting game play and other reasons.
Originally SAS requested it to be gone. The concern of SAS was that Commander Mode was making teams unbalanced, especially if only one team had a Commander. Almost a year has gone by since the Commander Mode was removed and we've seen the server have significant ticket differences on various occaisons. IMO the Commander Mode wasn't the main cause of the imbalance, it's the recon, they're the ones that need to be removed :D Here is the post that requested for Commander Mode to be removed.

A server regular named TWCRamrod would always go Commander and was great at it, he'd be on voice coms with squad leaders and added to the teamwork. There are definitely some Commander achievements that I'd like to work on in this server.

A few others have requested for Commander mode to be put back but I think it was @Matt(FAST) who said the two extra slots would cost extra $, and that wasn't an option TBG was interested in at the time, maybe/hopefully/possibly now? Apologies if it wasn't you, it may have been a Head Admin in the server's chatbox who typed it.
If anyone is asking I'm in favor of adding commander mode again since SAS abondoned us for BF1. Since we r discussing the bf2/3 maps server it would be nice to add Dragon Valley back since some players have moved on. I know some regulars who are in favor of adding commander and DV. Thanks Mex for your feedback. Voteban Deathstroke. JK. :)
Dragon Valley was very unpopular because of the time it took, matches sometimes lasted an hour. I know I personally left the server when that map came up in the rotation, so did many others.
Dragon Valley was very unpopular because of the time it took, matches sometimes lasted an hour. I know I personally left the server when that map came up in the rotation, so did many others.
I love dragon valley but unfortunately this is the case, however people just leave on golf of oman now.