BF3 & BF2 MAPS | NO LAG | STATS | - Dragon Valley/Map Sequence suggestion


Registered User
Dec 24, 2015
Good evening,

Love this server and love how it is always busy however I had a quick question or suggestion.

The Dragon Valley Map, I can't help but notice sometimes it is played more frequently than the other maps. It is a fairly long and big map, which is all good fun but can be tedious if lets say you finish dragon valley and we move on to the next map, I don't know how many times after we complete the next map that we go back to dragon valley yet again. I am not talking about server restarts or crashes but it seems like Dragon Valley is automatically played more frequently than the others.

Any input would be appreciated :)

Have a Merry Christmas

hi, since it's new it's playing frequently eventually it will be 1 for each.
Thanks for such a "fast" response. lol

Many of the regulars on that server will only play DV once and then leave when the it appears the second time. While player count doesn't reduce it is more fun to play with the regulars than pubbers that come in for one map. Doesn't TBG have a 24x7 DV server?

Please consider changing the rotation.

Thank you and Merry Christmas.

I think quite a bit of time has passed and wanted to kind of chime in again. I can't help but notice specifically at 5PM EST - after the server restart it seems Dragon Valley is usually the go to map directly after. Even worse, the map is played back to back which is...... rough. Might there be anyway to detour this? Thank you

Have a great weekend everyone!
Is it possible to put DV in the rotation less? Or possibly remove it since TBG has that awesome 24x7 DV server? :)

Either way, the rotation gets jacked up after the 5pm restart or a server crash. I don't remember it happening. It just seems to have started more recently.