BF1 - Howitzer's not-so-basic Melee Guide

Favorite Melee Weapon Type

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Sep 23, 2014
I’ve heard the question come up quite a bit lately about which melee is the best to use, or how the melee mechanic actually works, so I decided to put together a guide. This guide will be based on actual game stats, and also my own personal experience and opinion.

There are 3 different classes of melee weapon in the game. Each class has different properties, such as damage, speed, and kill zone. The three classes are:

· Bladed (Light) – Knives/Daggers
· Blunt (Medium) – Clubs/Bludgeons/Maces
· Hand Tools (Heavy) – Hand Tools/Swords/Long Blades

The Categories
The Bladed category consists of the following weapons:
· Combat Knife
· Trench Knife
· Compact Trench Knife
· US Trench Knife
· Bedouin Dagger
· Survival Knife
· Jambiya Knife
· Hellfighter Bolo Knife
· Trench Fleur
· Nail Knife

The Blunt category consists of the following weapons:
· Club
· Spiked Club
· Trench Mace
· Bartek Bludgeon
· Barbed Wire Bat
· Cogwheel Club
· Dud Club
· Totokia
· Grappling Hook
· Ottoman Flanged Mace

The Heavy category consists of the following weapons:
· Shovel
· Hatchet
· Pickaxe
· Kukri
· Billhook
· Coupe
· Russian Axe
· Cavalry Sword (dismounted)
· Saber
· Sawtooth Knife
· Naval Cutlass
The stats for weapons within the same category are exactly the same. There is no combat advantage to using a Trench Knife over a Nail Knife, a Spiked Club over a Club, or a Saber over a Shovel. For the scenarios in this portion of the guide we will be comparing the three categories effectiveness against enemies at 100% health.

One stat we can get out of the way immediately. This stat is not actually listed in the weapons selection menu because the range of EVERY melee weapon is exactly the same.


Bladed: 35%
Blunt: 45%
Heavy: 55%

Kill Zone
Bladed: 135°
Blunt: 120°
Heavy: 90°

Each melee weapon has a stat in its code called the Invalid Melee Attack Zone (IMAZ). This number represents the degree/angle in front of a player where they cannot be taken down with one hit. Subtracting this number from 360 gives us the angle directly BEHIND a player where a single-hit takedown is possible. So obviously, a larger Kill Zone is better.

From this we can see that the Bladed weapons have a higher chance of taking down a full-health enemy in one shot, whereas the Heavy weapons require you to attack more directly behind the enemy.

Bladed: 435ms/swing + 100ms delay = 535ms/swing

Blunt: 600ms/swing + 150ms delay = 750ms/swing
Heavy: 1000ms/swing + 200ms delay = 1200ms/swing

Outside of the Kill Zone, all melee weapons will require more than one hit to take down an enemy. We can calculate the time it takes to kill an enemy by figuring out how many strikes it with each category of weapon, then multiplying that by the time it takes to swing.

For example, Bladed weapons require 3 hits to take down an enemy. 2 hits will bring the enemy down to 30% health (100% -35 -35 = 30%), and once the enemy's heath is lower than the amount of damage your weapon can deal, you will get the take-down animation on the next hit.

Since the take-down will occur and the enemy will be killed on the next click after the second delay, we don't need to count the time for the 3rd strike.

Hit 1 (435ms)
+100ms delay
+Hit 2 (435ms)
+100ms delay
=1.07 seconds

With this method we can figure out the kill times for each category of melee weapon:

Bladed: 1.07 seconds
Blunt: 1.5 seconds
Heavy: 1.2 seconds

From this we now know that the Blades are the fastest at taking down an enemy at full health, and the Blunts are the slowest.

Take-downs & Dogtags
In my video, you'll see two examples of front take-downs and two examples of rear take-downs. I'm using a Bladed class Combat Knife here. If you watch closely during the slow motion part, you'll notice how I'm able to get in 2 strikes and bring the enemies down to 30% before they even know what's happening. That leaves me open to finish them off with front-on take-downs.

One thing in particular you want to look for if you're trying to decide whether to shoot or stab is the enemy's health bar.
Granted, this decision has to happen in a matter of milliseconds, as the health bar can only be seen up close. If their health appears to be below 35% (or 45% or 55%, depending on which category you're using) then that means the enemy can be instantly killed with a take-down. Or, you could play it safe and just shoot him.

(cause that's just as fun... *eye roll*)

Take-down animations will be triggered if you melee an enemy who is in the prone position, regardless of which direction you attack from.
There is one scenario where the enemy can be killed be a melee weapon, but not taken down with an animation, and that is if you are attacking the enemy from a different elevation. Sometimes the game will still pull him into the animation, but most of the time if you're jabbing at an enemy up or down the stairs or on ledges, it'll just be a quick jab kill and that's it. You'll get credit for the melee kill, but you will not get his dogtag. Dogtags are only awarded through the take-down animation (including bayonet charges) but excludes the Trench Raider Club. Kills with the Trench Raider Club count as Melee kills only.
Utility Abilities
Many melee weapons have other abilities that give them more utility on the battlefield than just being a melee weapon. These abilities will be highlighted in white at the bottom of the weapon's stats.


BREAK WIRE: Destroys barbed wire barriers on the battlefield
BREAK WOOD: Destroys light wooden structures, such as window shutters and tables
DAMAGE LIGHT VEHICLE: Damages light vehicles such as motorbikes and scout cars. Despite the misleading icon, it will not damage any vehicle with an enclosed hull, such as tanks and armored cars.

None of the Bladed class of weapons have these special abilities, but many of the Blunt and Heavy class do. Some weapons even have two abilities. However, selecting these special abilities should be your LAST priority. Once you've decided which category of weapon you want to use, then you can decide between the utilities. As these abilities are mostly useless, it would be silly to let these dictate your choice, and you shouldn't refrain from using the Bladed class just because they lack utility.

Benefits of the Melee
1. You don't have to fire your weapon, and thus won't be spotted on the map
2. The victim cannot be revived
3. You can teabag and know that you've earned it. (kidding lol)

My Opinion
The Bladed class fits my aggressive play style the best. They lack power, but make up for it with speed, as shown by the statistics. The Blades take down a full-health enemy faster than anything else. Additionally, my quick melee reflexes allow me to make quick jabs at enemies who pass me going around corners, bringing them down 35% instantly before the fight has even begun, giving me an upper hand in the gun fight to follow. I've been using the Combat Knife since the beta. In the first week of the game I made over 300 melee kills with it, and never cared to use anything else.

The Heavy class would be second best, as they can take down an enemy from half-health in one shot. Specifically the Billhook and the Hatchet, as have the abilities to chop both wire and wood.

If anyone else has a particular favorite melee weapon, tell us what it is and why.

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The dud club <3. It's just such a silly weapon and I'm always hoping it'll actually explode when beating someone down with it.