BF:BC 2 G4TV PS3 Beta Preview


Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008
<object classId=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot; width=&quot;480&quot; height=&quot;418&quot; id=&quot;VideoPlayerLg42695&quot;><param name=&quot;movie&quot; value=&quot;; /><param name=&quot;allowScriptAccess&quot; value=&quot;always&quot; /><param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; /><embed src=&quot;; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; name=&quot;VideoPlayer&quot; width=&quot;480&quot; height=&quot;382&quot; allowScriptAccess=&quot;always&quot; allowFullScreen=&quot;true&quot; /></object><div style=&quot;margin:0;text-align:center;width:480px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#FF9B00;&quot;>Video Game - E3 2009 - Videogames</div>
It's ACTUALLY going to remember what kit we were last time?

Well that should be an improvement... lulz.

Gosh, it was so annoying that he kept talking as if people had never played BF before... &quot;You can ACTUALLY get in a secondary/gunner position in a vehicle... you can ACTUALLY spot an opponent bla blaaaaaaa&quot;

I love that it's still the US vs Russia (Russian FTW because I understand what they're saying). I hope there's no Chinese/etc.

BTW that shit about &quot;levels too big to give position away&quot; - MY ASS. I hope that killcam shit is disableable, because once you play for like 100 hours, I'm sure you'll know instantly where you were shot from, especially when you see it.

Þтûøчýþ! Üы þñõ÷òрõôøûø ÷ðрÑÂô ÿрþтøòýøúð! = win.

I wish they'd show the gunships or something fucking else than a tank... maybe they're not finished yet lulz.

BTW I hope those alarms don't get annoying as hell lulz.

Overall, it looks like it should be at least an above-average game for sure.
Man each video taht I've seen, I can only hope that the PC version is just as good if not better. I'm sold, I'm getting it.
Not necessarily. It's going to be a good test for Dice to see if they will shit on PC like some other companies already have (beyond infinity ward).

Their promises are sizable right now, but nothing is certain until we see the product on PC.

I hope they have gone beyond the realization that &quot;oh shit, we gotta do this on PC too&quot; in their development plans.
That may be true Heat, but I think you're being overly critical (as usual LULZ!).