Battlefield 3 TBG: Tehran Highway Ticket Reduction


Registered User
Feb 14, 2015
Having all maps from vanilla BF3 is really nice, however Tehran Highway is, in my opinion, and by opinion of pretty much anybody who has played bf3, the least balanced map there is. In my experience, this map often leads to a spawn camp that drags on for a while without resolution. It's the hardest map to break out of a spawn camp, far worse than metro or bazaar, due to tanks, mortars, and generally poorly designed deploy areas.

I understand that some people do like this map, and being an All Map server, TBG should keep it on. However, I suggest that the ticket count be reduced from 700 down to 400

- this reduces the amount of time wasted on spawn traps. Less tickets, less time.
- Tehran Highway wins the title of the only CQ Large map in vanilla BF3 to feature an even flag count.

This means that in the event of a 2 flag hold, which is usually the case when its NOT a spawn trap, neither team bleeds tickets. For those who don't know, ticket bleed occurs at a rate of around 1 ticket every few seconds. If you do NOT take respawns taking up tickets into consideration, a 700 ticket game where 1 team always holds a majority (**cough metro russian**) should take around 40-50 minutes. Add respawns to this, and you are looking at a 15-30 minute game.

Tehran Highway can drag painfully long though. A 400 ticket game of tehran is much better, since it will either be
- a spawn camp for a short match
- a good game for a medium length match

Final thoughts here, nobody really likes TH all that much.... Its so MEH

Come on, how else would Leo, Omaha, and others be able to go 60-1? I agree with Konrak though, it is fun to knife folks on that one (and Grand Bazaar)!