Battlefield 3 SP lasts 12 hours


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008

By Nathan Brown - March 30, 2011

DICE promising above average campaign length to “introduce more people to our franchise.”

Upcoming shooter
Battlefield 3 is set to buck the trend for short FPS campaigns with a 12-hour singleplayer tale, according to reports.

In an interview with developer DICE’s general manager Karl Troedsson, a reporter from references a 12-hour campaign.

“Naturally we want to introduce more people to our franchise,” Troedsson explained. “A lot of people don't want to jump straight into multiplayer. They want to feel around a bit [before] they're ready to move over to online.

“The hardcore online people, they don't care, they're just straight in. Maybe they don't even touch the campaign. But we want to get more people in, invite more people into the franchise. That's one of the main reasons why we have this different part of the game."

With recent
Call Of Duty games all featuring short campaigns of around six hours, this would represent a significant departure from convention for DICE, and will be welcomed by those who feel the modern FPS sells the lone soldier short.

Earlier this month
Homefront developer Kaos Studios defended the relative brevity of the game’s campaign, saying its length was “competitive with the lengths of other top shooters out there right now, especially the ones with the big multiplayer components.”

I am pretty sure I have played a 12 hour fps sp campaign before..... maybe not? Most last between 5 and 11 from my observation. I personally think 12 hours is way short. Still trying todo that 4.5 hour big boss hard no alert no kill run in mgs4 tho lol.
Not a huge fan of SP but best SP i've ever played was mechwarrior 4 and half life 2