Battlefield 2142 heavy armor???


Registered User
Jun 6, 2010
What's the point?? I still get killed with one shot whether I have it on or not.
I disagree to me it makes a huge difference. The only advantage to light armor is ridiculously long sprint times.
Well maybe after I unlock the sprint player ability I might like it better - but as of now I can't run but a few steps (it seems) and I'm out of stamina/energy/whatever. Also, I seem to like the conquest maps better than the titan maps, if that makes any difference.
maps make no difference.
a head shot kills with 1 shot no matter what armor you have on.
but for people who spray you will survive a lot longer with armor.
I've been getting a lot better, I'm up to 6 unlocks :( I took the first two player abilities and 4 out of 5 unlocks on the non-medic side of the assult kit. Once I unlock that 5th box (the NS one) I'm planning on unlocking the sniper tree in the recon kit.
i much faver heavy armor. yeah the sprint sucks but much better protection. i play suez titan most so maby thats y because its not a massive map.