banned from suez

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Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
hi, GreenHorn% here. i was banned from suez a few days ago. i jumped out of the gunship while on fire to fire my pilum, one of the admins pb kicked with as msg like "go bail out on another server".

then i fly a bunch of loops killing jeans or roth a time or too, and then a collision in the air, and roth says time to leave and i get banned.

i never break your rules, i am just a good g.s. pilot. Not amazing but pretty good.

I was playing with you the other day and you kinda go straight a lot in head-ons... which ends up in the other gunship often, even if he's trying "common courtesy" evasive. Didn't really bother me overly much, but I guess it does bother other people.
in this instance he was quite a bit behind me, i went up into the clouds, turned around, and waited, without much forward motion from me. up he came into the clouds and we collided. i was moving forward not too much :>
in this instance he was quite a bit behind me, i went up into the clouds, turned around, and waited, without much forward motion from me. up he came into the clouds and we collided. i was moving forward not too much :>
To be honest you annoy the fuck out of me. I suspect you're a high flyer. Either way - no reason to be banned. Maybe kicked and able to rejoin. Are you sure you weren't just kicked cause somebody was pissed? Can you rejoin the server?
Who was it that banned you? It is our responsibility to sign any bans with out name - so you know for future reference and we will have it in our records.
all i know was roth's comment of "it is time for you to go" after our collision
Unfortunately (for you) it is our procedure to wait for the admin that banned you to sign on to discuss his side. If any of the headAdmin know more about this situation - there will be a private discussion regarding the matter. Can I ask since you are here? Are you a high flyer? You really come out of no where A LOT! Anything above 350m is high. None of my infantry ever spot you.
We take all unban requests seriously as long as the person posting does the same, so I'm sure whoever banned you will reply when they see this. That said, I couldn't help but chuckle when you said you're a "pretty good" gunship pilot lol.
Greenhorn Im sure we will be very happy to review and unban you, soon as the admin who banned you post's his side of the story. You shouldn't have been banned regardless if you are annoying, thats not grounds for a ban on TBG servers we facilitate high quality administrators on all our servers, and Im sure roth had good reasons, so you will be notified shortly.
Actually i looked up in ban list and reason he typed into why you were banned was "FOR Cheating ----> Padding Stats".

Does that ring any bells?
i had to laugh when i read the roster page posted by Fast. First off he kicks everyone's butt and has for years. And he never does it with an attitude.

Then there is Falcon and my memories of a gun name GeneralSniperGoneWild or the like from a year or two ago. Every time they kill you they laugh at you, or call you a, well, i won't repeat it Falcon.

Don't become what you despised in others, TBG. A few rotten apples will spoil the bunch.

see you on other servers. They are refreshing.
I don't say a peep in a server when I'm slaughtering, I find it distasteful to do so. I also find "pilots" who bail and only fly EU to be wimps, but I won't kick you for it from our server. I merely stated that I found it amusing that you called yourself a good pilot. If you want to play in our servers wait until the admin in question responds, otherwise keep shooting your mouth off and I'll see to it you don't get to play in them again.

You can ask anyone in TBG, I don't talk trash in game and I will lecture those wearing TBG tags that do so.
Yup, I called you a pussy because that's what EU only bailers are, I fail to see a problem here. Like I said earlier you're not breaking any rules, just acting like a pussy. As you can see I have a few hours in the gunship so I've seen many pilots and how they act. I have come across many that I respect and very few that draw my anger, consider yourself in select company of the sad "pilots" of 2142.
i fly both EU and PAC gunships. not sure where the notion of eu-only comes from. and I bail when the g.s. is at 2%. i don't see a problem with that. should i die in a fireball or maybe take 'em out with the pilum?

good nite falcon.
I have only a small sample size to go on, but from my recollection you flew EU 2 rounds and when on Pac you didn't fly, hence the EU only. And pilots who bail to avoid the gunship death are sad individuals. End of discussion, my opinion has been shared and now we'll wait until whoever banned you replies.
heres the deal, youre flying is quite rude. you rammed a few times, you bail out as soon as a few missles hit you, i watched you camp the pac titan, and you were only flying EU.

now, camping is the only "rule" you were breaking. However, this is a community of pilots and you do a good job of pissing people off. amature moves like that are frowned on heavily.

what got you finally banned was something the rest of the TBG people on Vent noticed. after the last time you rammed me (i know it must be hard for you to keep them all straight) all 4 people died but you were instantly alive on the score screen. ive never seen anyone else do that. also, a regular in-game ban didnt work, i had to do it in CC.

too many things added up on your list of "cons" playing on our server. if anyone feels the need to lift your ban, you best be on SPOTLESS behavior. or, keep the ban and play elsewhere.
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