Ban Appeal

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Oct 24, 2019
User name: Uncle_Remus

What is your in game ALIAS(es) Uncle_Remus95

Which game is it? Battlefield 4

Your Steam ID: (if applicable)

Server name that you were banned on ! ! ! ! HARDCORE ALL BF4 MAPS + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM | VOTEMAP

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 10/24/10 at approx. 10:45pm

Admin that banned you (If you remember) it was an automatic ban

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for. I was automatically banned for saying "camping nig" in the chat.

Any additional comments you would like to add? I know this looks bad for my part but i want to try and justify myself for this one because it is always important to consider the context, that an automatic ban system cant understand.
First of all, Im not a racist. Ive been playing on this server for many years and have never uttered an offensive slang before this(if so i would have been banned).
Sometimes during a match things get heated, you get angry because you're not doing well, etc etc... I was killed by a player whose emblem happened to represent a black man with the term "NIG" over his head. This player was camping in a hiding spot. After I killed him, i was glag of my revenge and said "camping nig" as a reference to his emblem. If you dont believe me, check out his emblem and you'll know im not making this up. That was it. Im not a trouble player, trying to bend the rules or anything. I wasnt even aware of the ban filter for offensive words, and Ive been playing for years on this server. This was a slip, and a stupid one, but sometimes when you get angry you dont think very well. Im sorry for offending anyone, my intention was simply to get back at the camping player. Thank you for your time, I hope you will consider my appeal thoughtfully and not swipe it under the rug. Sorry again and thank you for your time.
Here's the link of the player in question to check his emblem.

FYI: Causing trouble during your ban appeal may extend your ban to all our servers. You've been warned.
And again deliberate slurs will NEVER BE LIFTED including any attempt to troll or test the filter. We dont care or why. Our house our rules! The rules and punishment in the server are very clear. Only false positives or legit context will be lifted.
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I find myself dumbfounded. I was quite certain it was this player, i vividly remember that he was the one who killed me and he had the emblem in question. I wouldnt have linked his profile if i wasnt 100% sure, but maybe ive made a mistake.I will check the battle report and see if i wasnt mistaken. Thank you for your time, I will reply shortly to confirm if i made a mistake or not.
I'll leave this open for now to let you do your research. If you find the player I will gladly lift the ban.
ive checked and double checked. I know now it was definitely Anl_Fister who had that emblem, but for some unknown reasons this particular emblem disappeared. My only guess is that he removed it after i got banned fearing to get into trouble... because it seems extremely convenient for him to remove this particular emblem right after i uttered those fatal words. Anyway, I know this is purely speculation at this point since my evidence decided to disappear from my hands. All i can say is im not a trouble player, been playing a long time, so do what you will and i will accept the verdict. trouble players shouldnt be able to get back inside the server so i understand the strictness of the rule. I certainly hope I will get a second pass. Thanks and have a good night.
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