Ban Appeal

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Registered User
Sep 30, 2019
User name: RuggedAmerican

What is your in game ALIAS(es) RuggedAmerican

Which game is it? Battlefield 4

Your Steam ID: (if applicable) RuggedAmericanGaming

Server name that you were banned on Hardcore All BF4 Maps + DLC

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned Friday or Saturday of last week

Admin that banned you (If you remember) Unknown

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for. Went out of town for a vacation to the Imperial Sand Dunes to do some riding. Came back and am getting kicked everytime I join. I asked my 14 yr old brother (who sometimes plays on my PC) why I might be getting kicked. He said he got bored of the game and just started messing around. He also told me he spelled the N word out in the chat because "he kept getting killed". Ive been playing on this server for a year and have loved every minute of it. I am very frustrated as this is the last good server I have to play on and never did anything to infringe on the rules set by the admins.

Any additional comments you would like to add? If possible I would like to have my ban lifted given the circumstances listed above and will continue to play maturely as I have ever since I fould this awesome server.

FYI: Causing trouble during your ban appeal may extend your ban to all our servers. You've been warned.
And again deliberate slurs will NEVER BE LIFTED including any attempt to troll or test the filter. We dont care or why. Our house our rules! The rules and punishment in the server are very clear. Only false positives or legit context will be lifted.
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