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Registered User
Mar 25, 2019
User name: NathDog2011

What is your in game ALIAS(es) NathDog2011

Which game is it? BF3

Your Steam ID: (if applicable)

Server name that you were banned on CONQUEST-ALL-MAPS-NO-LAG-TBGCLAN-COM

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 3/24/19 about midnight

Admin that banned you (If you remember) auto ban

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for. i think for typing nigerian commenting on another player maybe hacking named nigerian prince

Any additional comments you would like to add?
Chill out, if what you say is true someone will get to it shortly, Posting repeatedly will not make it go any faster. On your posts there is an edit button, if you have further information (like filling the form out correctly in the first post in the thread) try to remember to just edit your post instead of posting more posts. Regarding the reporting of hackers you don't do that in your unban request thread, you go to the "players to watch out for" section of the forum and paste the format of someone else's complaint into a new post then change the details to fit appropriately. If you want good odds of the ban sticking record the offending behavior in software like OBS or it's competitors, upload it to youtube, and in the complaint where it asks for evidence post the link.
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Chill out, if what you say is true someone will get to it shortly, Posting repeatedly will not make it go any faster. On your posts there is an edit button, if you have further information (like filling the form out correctly in the first post in the thread) try to remember to just edit your post instead of posting more posts. Regarding the reporting of hackers you don't do that in your unban request thread, you go to the "players to watch out for" section of the forum and paste the format of someone else's complaint into a new post then change the details to fit appropriately. If you want good odds of the ban sticking record the offending behavior in software like OBS or it's competitors, upload it to youtube, and in the complaint where it asks for evidence post the link.

copy that i should have used edit instead :)
Lifted. Please be more careful next time.
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